Marcel Coenen- Sun Caged guitarist.


Nov 30, 2004
Any of you guyz know Marcel? has a bunch of his vids. He has a solo album out suncaged album, and two from his old band lemur voice. He's such a great guitar player. Check him out if you havn't. :rock:
Not only is Marcel a brilliant guitarist, but he was cool as shit to let me use his rig when WatchTower played the Headway festival in Holland last year.

Thanks again, Marcel...

That is so kool of marcel to let you use his rig ron. Marcel fucking rules and I'm glad more people are noticing this brilliant musician. :rock:
No prob bro. I'll promote ur name anywhere man, you are incredible, and your style has influenced and improved my style alot as well, man, I can't thank you enough for all the great music you put out. Hopefully one day I'll make a trip to Europe and see you perform live man, that would really be a dream come true. Good luck on the new music dude, and rock on. :rock: :rock: