Marcel Conen- Sun Caged guitarist


Nov 30, 2004
How many of you guyz are into marcel? If you havn't heard of him, check him out he's incredible. He used to be in the band lemur voice, and now he's in sun caged. Check out his site, this guy fucking rules man. :rock:
the guy is frkn incredible. im a drummer and i could listen to him play all day. he writes/plays some crazy stuff. his stuff with sun caged is obviously great, and i even like his stuff on Hubi's cd, EmOcean. i cant wait for the new Hubi cd (which marcel is also on) and the new sun caged, cuz they've had quite a line-up change if im not mistaken...
Marcel's new solo album will be out pretty soon as well man. I can't wait for all the new marcel material to come out, that guy rocks, I'm glad you guyz notice him, and spread the word man, I wanna get more support for this guy he's incredible.
marcel is an amazing guitarist, and a really great guy too. He sort of bridges the gap between the two different types of virtuosos. The kind who are virtuosos because of their technical prowess and the kind who are virtuosos becasue of their music genius and innovation. Im certainly not saying he fills out either extreme fully, but he has found himself at a happy medium between the two
Saw him at Powermad a couple years ago, forget the band he was jamming with but they kicked ass. Also saw him do the warm-up show with backing tracks. Amazing musician.
Marcel is the shiz, as well as being a helluva nice guy..I sure do miss Lemur Voice, 'Divided' was a kickass cd.