Marcel Jacob has left us


Mr. Bassman
Apr 19, 2008
It breaks my heart to write these words but my old friend and mentor has left us today. We met not long ago and talked about his plans to get another Talisman album under way and I was very glad to hear it as I knew he had been ill for quite some time. That night I saw him play live for the first time in a long while and then again it struck me just how great a bass player he actually was.

Like I said, he was my friend, but perhaps more important to the rest of the world he was and incredible song writer and in my mind the greatest bass player who has ever walked the earth.

The world is a darker place without him and I will treasure what he taught me to the day I die. My thoughts go out to his family and I vow to always keep his legacy up high and save a special place in my heart for him and his work.

God bless him!
I can´t belive this is true. Marcel was one of a kind, one of my biggest influences. He was not only one hell of a bassplayer, he was an incrediable song writer. This is a really sad day. All my thoughts to his family. R I P Marre
