March Hare - How's this mix coming together?

Guitars and bass sound immense. I'm not a huge fan of the snare though, it needs more body and less crack.
I really love this track. The melodies are awesome. But the other mix that you did with a different snare it´s better to my ears. But this mix is really good too.
Finally! ;)

Sounds awesome! Gotta agree with the snare, though, the attack is great but a tad more body would be better imho.
splat! the snares attack sounds a little artifical... like what fgx does to snares... a little more body (180 hz) and sustain would be nice.
everything else sounds really huge ! guitars are perfect! (podfarm?)

i can definately hear this was mixed on headphones, the stereo image is a little washy... i mean its wide and huge,
but it feels just a little little ... well - washy... don know how to say that ;-)

maybe readjust on monitors. one tends to mix different on headphones due to the lack of crosstalk between both channels.

but man - keep posting those tracks !! ;-) love it! i love how you guys still go for feel and ambience!!
I fucking love this. Any chance you can throw this out there to all of us to try mixing it? I really want more practice mixing more stuff in this style -- ala devin townsend, ambient kinda stuff. Not saying your mix doesn't sound good, but I would love to get practice with stuff like this.
Having heard Both Sides an insane amount of times in the last month, and then hearing this mix side by side, well to be honest I'm not feeling it, which is a shame considering how incredible the song itself is.
It just lacks a bit of balls man.
Both sides is like the sonic impact of two balls of steel of the gods.
This in comparison is only really the balls of a mere mortal (that hasn't showered in a ball)
Wait, scrap the bit about the showering, since I can't smell music.

That said: yeah, the snare's a bit weak. The previous mix clip you posted for "Sand On Fire" was AMAZING... I still use that as the reference when I'm mixing that kind of music. Everything sounds perfect. If you could nail that sound again here, I couldn't think of anything to criticize. The guitars, drums, bass, overall balance... everything is fantastic in that mix. Back to the snare; it lacks body here as others have said, but I think you may have boosted the high end snap a bit much too. It kind of sticks out above the mix. But it's definitely good to hear it with Jake's vocal. Something I'd like to hear (more of a production idea than a mix idea, so feel free to tell me to fuck right off) would be a filter or other effect of some kind on the vocal in the first half of the verse, maybe similar to what's on the backing vocals in the chorus. I could be way off, though.
Guitars and bass sound immense. I'm not a huge fan of the snare though, it needs more body and less crack.

Thanks for commenting! I suppose I went a little crazy with the Toontrack transient designer on the snare drum according to the complaints on the snare drum. I'm really starting to hate the sound of the over-the-top producer snare and I like a more natural sound. Boosting the attack on the transient is the only way I can get the snares in Superior to come out on their own. I'm going to try and duck in a nice fat Slate snare underneath this and see if that fixes the problem or perhaps run a parallel unprocessed snare under as well.
splat! the snares attack sounds a little artifical... like what fgx does to snares... a little more body (180 hz) and sustain would be nice.
everything else sounds really huge ! guitars are perfect! (podfarm?)

i can definately hear this was mixed on headphones, the stereo image is a little washy... i mean its wide and huge,
but it feels just a little little ... well - washy... don know how to say that ;-)

maybe readjust on monitors. one tends to mix different on headphones due to the lack of crosstalk between both channels.

but man - keep posting those tracks !! ;-) love it! i love how you guys still go for feel and ambience!!

Thanks for commenting! Like I stated, I'm definitely going to work on the snare drum. Guitars are a mix of TSX30 and Gearbox and really like the sound I'm getting out of the combo. As far as the headphone mix, well, its a headphone mix. I'm sure I'll get around to balancing it out with monitors this weekend.
I fucking love this. Any chance you can throw this out there to all of us to try mixing it? I really want more practice mixing more stuff in this style -- ala devin townsend, ambient kinda stuff. Not saying your mix doesn't sound good, but I would love to get practice with stuff like this.

When I'm all done with the album, I would have no problem uploading stems.
Awesome stuff man, but feels like it lacks a bit of depth compared to 'Both Sides'.

The mix for Both Sides does sound more intense than the mix on this track (Sand on Fire) and I even tried using the same template but I just does not translate over well at all. It drives me crazy how that happens, so I just end up kind of starting over from scratch. I'm destined to never achieve perfection!
The previous mix clip you posted for "Sand On Fire" was AMAZING... I still use that as the reference when I'm mixing that kind of music. Everything sounds perfect.

If its the clip I posted without vocals a few months back then I'm surprised you like it so much. To me that version sounds really flubby and boxy, at least on my headphones and I can't bear to listen to it anymore. I'm glad you liked it though!
The mix for Both Sides does sound more intense than the mix on this track (Sand on Fire) and I even tried using the same template but I just does not translate over well at all. It drives me crazy how that happens, so I just end up kind of starting over from scratch. I'm destined to never achieve perfection!

Right on. Happens to me when mixing records all the time. One of the most stressful things ever. Best thing is to start a mix on one track and then balance it out on a few others until you get the middle ground. Failing that... automate, autromate, automate.
I also like the old snare more!
a bit more "impact" would really be nice, now everything sounds quite smooth and not mean enough, even if the sound itself is awesome, as the song!
If its the clip I posted without vocals a few months back then I'm surprised you like it so much. To me that version sounds really flubby and boxy, at least on my headphones and I can't bear to listen to it anymore. I'm glad you liked it though!

It was the one from February. I'm not hearing the boxy thing... there is indeed a lot of low-end energy, and your new mix is much tighter, but I don't think the low end or low mids were out of control on the older one by any means. Something about that mix really sounded... glued to me.

But anyway, checking out the new mixes on headphones this time instead of monitors, the snare sounds fine to me on both versions of the new mix. Maybe the weirdness everyone hears only shows up on speakers and is a consequence of headphone mixing... who knows! What kind of headphones are you using?