Mark and Dreamwatch's Thread Closing Practices--->

What drives Marky Mark and the Dreamy Watch?

  • They close threads based on their own personal and political bias

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • They always close threads just when they're getting good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They're just following strict orders.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They always know what's best and only do what's right for the board

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • They're just really bored and following their newlywed whims

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Option 1 & 2

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
Well said...well said...

I like both Steve and Profanity. I've had educational, interesting, and funny conversations with both of them.
that wasn't Mark's decision, so I'm not giving him shit ofr it, although I think he chose to merge it into the Chat forum, I still think it needs to be seperate.
Profånity said:
If you're referring to me then that is completely wrong.

I DID NOT register here with the sole intent of shit stirring, having a high post count-yes, contributing-yes, being well known-yes but most certainly NOT shit stirring.

I admit that I wanted to get my post count high so I could have the status I had on the official Iron Maiden BB before I was unfairly banned, so I thought the best way to do that would be in a thread where the originator said it was ok to spam, other BB users even said at the start they'd use that thread to boost their post count and Steve said that was ok, he just wanted the thread to achieve its goal of a million replies.

As I was under the impression that the threads ultimate goal was to achieve a million replies, I was doing everything I could to help the thread achieve its goal-that's not shit stirring that's helping other BB members.

If the goal of the thread was just to have conversation then Steve should have said that at the start, how am I shit stirring by following the instructions of a thread you had nothing against?

Steve is the reason the thread got deleted by not making it clear at the start what the intention of the thread was.

andy, if mark and dreamwatch have a problem with you they will let you know.
i know steves given you alot of shit but he's been honest about it, so why would he change now? takeinitinthebacks a lieing pile of shit, but you have even less to worry about from him. mark and dreamwatch arent stupid so nobody is going to be able to trick you into getting banned so quit worrying about it. this isnt the imbb, marks the boss not takeing orders from somebody else so things arent the same as the imbb. ya think i would lie to ya? i told ya theyre good fair people because they are, you arent ever going to get banned here without intentionally trying to get banned. knowing you, i really dont think there is anything you would ever do that would worry them that much and they dont ban people by popularity or who someone says is annoying. if they banned the people they thought were annoying nobody would be here but mark and dreamwatch! :loco: besides like takenitinthebacks sig from when i was loseing a flame war with him :tickled: mark and drea"n"watch are my close friends so if they banned you i'd bitch at um and after they ban me for that we'll both just comeback anyway :loco:
calm down or i'll give ya a hickey! :D
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