mark chorvinsky is dead :(


Sep 12, 2002
founder, editor of STRANGE magazine

i'd imagine mia and toby would know who he was.

i believe that magazine folded it's printed form back in 99 or so, before going web-only.

it was an amazing find for me back in '89 or so, after years of clamoring for books and relying for those on the latset sightings or theories to get reported.

i briefly corresponded with Mark and i still have the letters. he was interested in putting Bigfoot movie reviews into the magazine and wanted to see what i was writing (i wrote him first, inquiring what the Strange freelance policy was). i never got around to sending him stuff.

he seemed super cool. RIP M.C.. :(
speaking of loren coleman's website, he had a blog entry a little while ago about the spielberg war of the worlds - days later, a freelance writer and college English teacher named Christopher Stephens published a column in the Boston Metro that had pretty much the exact same wording as loren's blog entry, but with the pedophilia part omitted. I should have gotten a clipping and sent it to Loren - also this maybe should be in that rip-off thread.
definitely. that sucks.

i'm making extreme connections here, but i was fascinated by an ongoing discussion on fairly niche/obscure horror webzine messageboard, and how they were slowly unravelling a massive case of plagiarism of most all of their writings by the glossy UK horror magazine the darkside. it kind of got revealed that they were ripping off TONS of webzines (it's all documented here ).

i dunno, it kind of seems that web/blog reviews are ripe for this kind of thing. especially lately, because the quality of the writing is getting so good, i imagine.

is coleman's WOTW review still up there?