MARK! Got a few questions for you...


Apr 17, 2001
Istanbul, TURKEY
1. There was an error message that was displayed yesterday when I tried to log on... I can't quite remember what it spoke of, but it could be about the server being stuffed full of clients or connection speed being too slow, or something else along those lines. The message also said a warning was sent out to the admin.
Have you received it?
If yes, is everything all right now?
If no, just wanted to let you know...

2. I haven't referred this bb to anyone yet but my profile says I've got 1 referral... How come?

3. Site droid is a dumb adjective for a webmaster. When will you consider changing it? (please do not comment on the "King of South Park" line)

4. I was just kidding when I said I was after fame and fortune. I want to do this (you know what) for the fun. You probably got me wrong. Are you going to email me on this issue any time soon?

5. Why the heck are you such a lazy ass? How come you never bother any more to post on these bbs? Do you want me to unleash the wrath of my 7000 bloody rabbits from hell on you (on your nose, to be more specific)?

6. Mutant Message Down Under... Have you read this book?

7. Am I ever gonna shut up?
Come on Eddy, if you are to imply that I speak too much, then do so... and do it like a man. I mean you do not have to hide behind a silly excuse such as "I'm kidding mate". If you do not like me, say so. If you have any problems with me, let's settle it down right here right now like two grown-ups who have a mature sense to form a sensible line of dialogue and a decent level of courage to put down a real nasty fight at the end of which one man will fall in agony while the other one is awarded the few first minutes of sweet ecstacy of victory at the end of a well-fought battle and a bucket-full of sweat that has rained down like drops of ice during a hurricane blasting the shores of a continent as a nomad tribe tries to make its way through a sand storm with no concern for the disaster thousand miles away from their sun-stricken home in the middle of nothing but a vast and dry plane spreading towards the horizons as if in some silly poem from a stupid story that has been long lost amidst all other stuff that makes up the goddamn Japanese lore.

Now go ahead and tell it to my face: Do I speak too much? :mad:
Originally posted by godisanathiest
Just so I get this right ok, no offence either of you, but Eddy who has over 800 posts is accusing iRoN, who has 200 posts of talking too much? MMmmmmm interestind ;) :D

That was exactly the point I tried to make with my second post. But as in some stories happen, the hero was misunderstood, and thus became the bad guy. But to my luck, the shiny armored warrior rode, with the most beautiful horse mankind has ever seen, to rescue the original hero, Warrior in blue, and slayed all the hints of misunderstandings. This made the Warrior in blue a hero again, and it also showed that there even was not anykind of bad guy in this story, two good guys, the Warrior of Iron and the Warrior in blue, just had a slight communication problem due to the fact that messenger pigeons were on strike and would not deliver the crucial messages needed to avoid this confusing battle.

Now, if you excuse me, I've got to go and try to figure out what I exactly was trying to say here. :loco:
1. There was an error message that was displayed yesterday when I tried to log on... I can't quite remember what it spoke of, but it could be about the server being stuffed full of clients or connection speed being too slow, or something else along those lines. The message also said a warning was sent out to the admin.
Have you received it?
If yes, is everything all right now?
If no, just wanted to let you know...

Yes - database went troppo for a moment :)

2. I haven't referred this bb to anyone yet but my profile says I've got 1 referral... How come?

Did you tell someone about the forum? Did you use the 'send to a friend' feature? Someone just used you as their referral when they signed up :)

3. Site droid is a dumb adjective for a webmaster. When will you consider changing it? (please do not comment on the "King of South Park" line)

How rude!!! :waah:

4. I was just kidding when I said I was after fame and fortune. I want to do this (you know what) for the fun. You probably got me wrong. Are you going to email me on this issue any time soon?

About reviewing stuff? Just start sending reviews in! :)

5. Why the heck are you such a lazy ass? How come you never bother any more to post on these bbs? Do you want me to unleash the wrath of my 7000 bloody rabbits from hell on you (on your nose, to be more specific)?

I prefer to... watch... :)

6. Mutant Message Down Under... Have you read this book?

No. Please enlighten me :)

7. Am I ever gonna shut up?

Yeah, when Satan breaks out the winter woolies ;)
Ok, I received my answers...

Mutant Message Down Under is a book about the culture of one of the Aboriginal tribes. It's got hundreds of stunning messages about life... both implicit and explicit. This was simply one of the most enlightening books I've ever read (close runner-up to Popeye comics :p ). I'm quite surprised to see you haven't heard of it...