Some prob questions!


Apr 20, 2001
Hmm I know Carla used to do this so dont kill me! :eek:
It was the only kind of her non insulting threads! ssshhh! :rolleyes:
But just to kill some time, reply this! :)

Here I have 12 questions about your net fellows!

1. How much time do you spend online?

2.With whom do you chat the most online?

3.who emails you the most often at the curent time?

4.Who are your closest internet friends and why?

5.Who are the internet persons you've met that make you horny?

6.Who is the most "enlightened" person you've met and kinda helped you to overcome some off your own problems.

7.Have you met anyone in real life? Would you like to meet more people?

8.Who can make you feel more confortable talking to?

9.Who can haunt your sexual fantasies sometimes?

10.Besides UM are you in other bbs? Which ones?

11.Who are the bbers that you are addicted on?

12.Who was/is the most important person you've met online?
1. How much time do you spend online?
During winter at least 2h per day during summer about 2h a week!

2.With whom do you chat the most online?
It used to be Evan(Red Merlin) now I have to chat for months. the last persons i've talked tho, were Metalfire and ivinho!

3.who emails you the most often at the curent time?
Hmm I wont reveal his nick, but his name is Francisco!

4.Who are your closest internet friends and why?
I feel all the people here as my friends but if among all the friends I had online i have to choose, then it is gonna be Ivan(Evilho) and Julianna(Angel holocaust). they helped me when i needed sb and I'm gradeful to them!:) I would also say Evan(Red Merlin) an insane guy that he really puts up with me and Fransisco cos he makes me feel so special sometimes!

5.Who are the internet persons you've met that make you horny?
Danniel!(Valeron) Swedes are in nuts! :o :grin:

6.Who is the most "enlightened" person you've met and kinda helped you to overcome some off your own problems.
Themistokles!(souvlaki) One of the most intelligent persons i've ever met!I hope you're alright mate! Take care of yourself!I'm with you! :cry:

7.Have you met anyone in real life? Would you like to meet more people?
Yes I'd met some!Esp that year i dated some guys from icq and it was great! In fact I'm not nterested to meet everyone I talk to but some of them it would be necessary I guess!

8.Who can make you feel more confortable talking to?
It used to be Lukke(varder) and jesse(prisoner)! Danniel(Valeron) would be convenient here tho!

9.Who can haunt your sexual fantasies sometimes?
Hmm, drifting around bbs, i've found out that... i'm not the only girl i like that guy! Some girls are really mad about him! :eek: the have all the right as he;s a handsome guy and treats every girl in a very special way! He's also a... "vempyre"! His name? I've already mentioned it, but certainly he's a friend but you know sometimes things like these are useful. i cant not allow myself thinking of Francy sometimes...

10.Besides UM are you in other bbs? Which ones?
Mainly the official IM one...there are also other 3 but i hardly ever visit or post in them...

11.To whom members you're addicted on?
To Tim(TP) the "dutchies" and all the maidencentrallers here!

12.Who was/is the most important person you've met online?
Jan(Eclipse)used to be. He owns that reply cos no matter to the bad blood spilled on he played an important role in my personal life wherether we like it or not
1. How much time do you spend online?

It depends, varies from 1/2h up to even 9h per day.

2.With whom do you chat the most online?

I haven't been chatting for few months now, but the person that I've chatted the most is someone I like to call 'Angel'. ;)

3.who emails you the most often at the curent time?

I haven't got any e-mail for days now. But usually it's one of my classmates.

4.Who are your closest internet friends and why?

Hmm, this is a hard one! I can't really specify anyone closer than other.

5.Who are the internet persons you've met that make you horny?

:eek: That's for me to know and for you to find out! ;)

6.Who is the most "enlightened" person you've met and kinda helped you to overcome some off your own problems.

Although he may not have noticed it himself, I'd say Iron. Thanks a lot dude!

7.Have you met anyone in real life? Would you like to meet more people?

I haven't met anyone in real life, althuogh I'd like to meet all the old Maidencentrallers, IMG guys, the people from Blaze bb and few people from the official IM bb. Maybe one day.

8.Who can make you feel more confortable talking to?

There are many, right now Rabies, Virus and Stormbringer comes to mind. Oh, and someone called 'Angel'... ;)

9.Who can haunt your sexual fantasies sometimes?

:eek: Again, that's for me to know and for you to find out! ;)

10.Besides UM are you in other bbs? Which ones?

Besides the various forums here, I'm on the official Maiden bb and The Edge Of Darkness' bb.

11.Who are the bbers that you are addicted on?

Pretty much everyone on the few forums here that I post on.

12.Who was/is the most important person you've met online?

There are few.
1. How much time do you spend online?

1-5 hours a day.

2.With whom do you chat the most online?

Juliana (Angel Holocaust), of course, cos she is myyyyyyyyy bebe :D

3.who emails you the most often at the curent time?

It's that woman from this travel agency, as I'm booking my air ticket to Sao Paulo, Brasil :D :D

4.Who are your closest internet friends and why?

Not counting some Videoton fan guys, wonderful mates of mine, who i met on internet by go to games with in real life every weekend, my closest internet friends are some bunch of old gays: Umut (Iron), Jan (Eclipse), Chryssa (Angelwitch, she is the exception here :)) and Timmy boy (tcall). Thanks for everything guys and girl :)

6.Who is the most "enlightened" person you've met and kinda helped you to overcome some off your own problems.

it's uncle Umy :*********** :)

7.Have you met anyone in real life? Would you like to meet more people?

Juliana, Jan, Umut, Barbi, Tokmak, Cico, Gor,

8.Who can make you feel more confortable talking to?

Juliana and everyone else of you
Hmm, I guess this is the first time I'm into filling out such a list... Well, time's plenty today, so let's spend some here...

1. How much time do you spend online?

15 mins a day.

2.With whom do you chat the most online?

Myself :cry:

3.who emails you the most often at the curent time?

Some agonizingly stubborn "debt consolidator" trying to give me a goddamn home loan :mad:

4.Who are your closest internet friends and why?

All the Centrallers + some guys from a mailing list of mine... Why? I have no idea... It'll probably take too long to type here anyway.

5.Who are the internet persons you've met that make you horny?

Why, JAN of course! From amongst those I haven't met yet, I have to say Carla :eek:

6.Who is the most "enlightened" person you've met and kinda helped you to overcome some off your own problems.

He was a guy from Finland... I met him on a handball forum and I owe a boost of my self-esteem plus a couple of my handball skills to his excellent advice. Hey, and his nick was "In Flames"! Thoroughly "enlightened" huh?

7.Have you met anyone in real life? Would you like to meet more people?

Met a lot of virtual people in actual life... From those that post regularly here, I'd still like to meet Mark, Tcall, AM, Moonchild, all the Finns, and Kyle. And I'd also like to chew the cheeks of Athena as soon as she's born.

8.Who can make you feel more confortable talking to?

Mom :grin:

9.Who can haunt your sexual fantasies sometimes?

JAN! JAN! JAN! And some Carla...

10.Besides UM are you in other bbs? Which ones?

No other music-related bbs...

11.Who are the bbers that you are addicted on?

Addicted? None, thankfully.

12.Who was/is the most important person you've met online?

Changes from time to time... It's probably Draven overall, next to Ivi.