The most tr00

Darkthrone, early Burzum, early Satyricon, Kult ov Azazel, Mayhem (tr00 BM up until Grand Declaration, IMO...although still a killer album), Emperor (from S/T to Anthems is BM, everything else following isn't, but it still rules), Dodhemisgard, Covenant (early), Dark Funeral, Immortal, Marduk, early Ulver, Arcturus (it's enough for me to consider BM), Krieg, Judas Iscariot, Absu, Goatwhore, Gorgoroth, Anaal Nathrakh, early Ancient, Bathory, Behemoth...

Just to give you an idea of "tr00" BM.
What the fuck are you guys talking about...Ulver...Arcturus....Dodheimsgard....
I am not one for tr00ness as you say, but bands like these are soo far away from what one may believe is tr00.
Originally posted by Morningrise
What the fuck are you guys talking about...Ulver...Arcturus....Dodheimsgard....
I am not one for tr00ness as you say, but bands like these are soo far away from what one may believe is tr00.

Y'know, tr00ness should be based on artistic integrity, not on how adamantly 'heavy' or ideologised a band is.

Therefore, Opeth is one of the tr00-ist bands tr00 in the sense their music is for music's sake and not moneys.

Thats how tr00ness should be judged.
Darkthrone, Mayhem, Annihilatus, Horna, Judas IScariot, Sarcophagus, Abigail, Sumeria, Black Witchery, Moribosidad, Demoncy, Grond, Antaeus, Pest, Bloodhammer, Clandestine Blaze, Godless North, Dodecameron, Nachtmystium, Stygian Mist, Gedwolmann, Wind of the Black Mountains, Warloghe, Osculum Infame, Vlad Tepes, Bloodstained Dusk, Armagedda

jsut some from my collection