Tr00 prog fans or Tr00 metal fans, which is more anoying?

wayne the goblin/robot

Im done with this *****
Dec 30, 2004
I equaly find them both anoying but if there was one that I had to sacrifice it would be the TR00 prog fans, mostly because of the snobby attitude but im pretty sure I would be slapping the TR00 metal fans across the head 24/7. How bout you guys and gals, whcih do you find more anoying?
tr00 Prog fans are cooler cause I can associate better with them of course, but tr00 Metal fans (Especially Thrash and Black Fans are retarded) Thats just my opinion of course.
zakk_hate_me_666 said:
or you could just accept all styles of metal......................


nah just kidding, I just had to say it so i could sound like Homer Simpson, anyway, I just think tr00 prog fans are the worst because they are always the first ones to lash out at symphony x.
wayne the goblin/robot said:

nah just kidding, I just had to say it so i could sound like Homer Simpson, anyway, I just think tr00 prog fans are the worst because they are always the first ones to lash out at symphony x.

Points finger at self :Spin:

No, I can't hardly call myself a tr00 Prog fan because I like a lot of "Unorthodox" ProgPower bands like Angra, Evergrey, Symphony X, Andromeda, etc.
Well I do think theres a severe lack of just "metal" fans who can find bands in every genre that they like. Myself and only a few other people I know are like that. Aside from doom metal, I can name bands in pretty much any metal genre that I like.
Yngvai X said:
Well I do think theres a severe lack of just "metal" fans who can find bands in every genre that they like. Myself and only a few other people I know are like that. Aside from doom metal, I can name bands in pretty much any metal genre that I like.

Wow, man. Good for you. It's really hard for me :yell: I just can not stand some genres of metal.
Metropolis Part 2 said:
Wow, man. Good for you. It's really hard for me :yell: I just can not stand some genres of metal.

well of course Im excluding "untrue" genres such as metalcore and numetal.

But as far as the "big four" genres are concerned (black, death, thrash, power) there are bands in all of those that I like.
Well, I actually like some metalcore, just not very much. I can stand bands like Killswitch Engage, Lamb of God, Unearth and All that Remains. Its just that I can't stand these bands for very long.

Progressive Metal would definitely be the most "untrue" kind of music to me because a lot of it breaks all the "rules"
Metropolis Part 2 said:
Progressive Metal would definitely be the most "untrue" kind of music to me because a lot of it breaks all the "rules"

How so? Much of it is just powermetal with odd time signatures, or Images and Words era DT rip offs. Theres only a few bands out there that are doing things that I would consider truly "progressive" and aside from one (Opeth) they're usually not included in the "progressive metal" genre. (such as Borknagar, Vintersorg, Frantic Bleep).

I honestly stopped caring about progmetal a while ago. Much of it is pretty boring to me. I think Symphony X and Adagio are two of the only ones that I really like still, and Dream Theater hasn't done anything worthy of me taking notice since Scenes.
Yngvai X said:
How so? Much of it is just powermetal with odd time signatures, or Images and Words era DT rip offs. Theres only a few bands out there that are doing things that I would consider truly "progressive" and aside from one (Opeth) they're usually not included in the "progressive metal" genre. (such as Borknagar, Vintersorg, Frantic Bleep).

I honestly stopped caring about progmetal a while ago. Much of it is pretty boring to me. I think Symphony X and Adagio are two of the only ones that I really like still, and Dream Theater hasn't done anything worthy of me taking notice since Scenes.

Meh, you are pretty much listening to ProgPower, I prefer Progressive Metal bands such as Threshold, Pain of Salvation and Vanden Plas over the more ProgPower bands such as Symphony X and Adagio. I'm more of a "traditional progger" but I still like some of the new bands.

Yea, its in the eyes of the beholder, I think a lot of Black Metal is pretty boring.
Metropolis Part 2 said:
Progressive Metal would definitely be the most "untrue" kind of music to me because a lot of it breaks all the "rules"

Uh, actually most "progressive" metal bands do EVERYTHING by the books. Very few "prog" bands actually progress. Truly progressive bands fall under the "experimental" or "avant-garde" label.
Yngvai X said:
How so? Much of it is just powermetal with odd time signatures, or Images and Words era DT rip offs. Theres only a few bands out there that are doing things that I would consider truly "progressive" and aside from one (Opeth) they're usually not included in the "progressive metal" genre. (such as Borknagar, Vintersorg, Frantic Bleep).

Vintersorg is most definetly progressive. And Borknagar is decently complex, for a bm band at the very least. Frantic Bleep I'be never heard of.
While tr00 prog fans get on my nerves, especially for that "if you don't agree with me you're stupid/unrefined/a caveman/whatever" thing they do...

It's tr00 black metal fans that really annoy me the worst. There's only so much of that "we hate love, we love hate" attitude I can take before I go crazy.

You know what's funny? Tr00 Roger Waters fans are in their own way, many of them, just as bad as tr00 black metal fans. And for the exact same reason. Anywhere you go where a bunch of them congregate will look almost as bad as boards where the really hardcore black-metal fans hang out. Except you've got that prog-attitude coupled in with all of that...THAT is easily THE worst bunch of fans I've ever run into on the Internet, hands down.
I am not going to comment on this thread, but a few did ask about Frantic Bleep, so here is the run-down. Their demo, if you could find it, which I sincerely doubt by this point, is beyond incredible. They sound like Spiral Architect on crack employing furious guitars, black, death, and clean vocals. However, their album "Sense Apparatus" is much much more mellowed and ambiant. There are still moments reminiscent of the demo, but they opt for a more subtle approach on the album. If you liked the last Arcturus album, I think you would like this as well. I still like the album a lot, but would have like to hear a full album of insanity that the demo shows they are capable of.