The most tr00

You've got a ball-grip of him since you know his little-brother. :lol:

Anyway, I'd say Hellhammer (not talkin' 'bout the dude) and Beherit. Both of them are awful, awful music...
Originally posted by ‡Ärdor‡ Thë Dëströyer
Ozzy sucks. His music isn't that great, his show and family are all fake, his daughter Kelly is one of the ugliest things to ever walk this Earth and he's popular with the media.

I agree!!!!

When it comes to their cussing, I must ask this:

Whatever happened to Honor, Dignity, and Integrity???

Ozzy sucks mighty shlooong! (dick)
the most tr00 is

Dratnerfakinsenvoublia. This band is so tr00 they've released over 600 vinyl albums without selling a single copy! Song titles like:

Black wings of deathiness
Angels whom I decapitate with my dark blackmagic horned spear while drinking the blood of good christians Varg.

The members of Dratnerfakinsenvoublia burned their first churches at age 3.