Mars Volta inbetween the sets at the London gig


Aug 17, 2003
Lincoln, England
Did anyone else notice this? They played The Mars Volta inbetween the acoustic & heavy set at the London gig....d'ya reckon this was Mikael's choice (considering it's on his album list on the opeth page) or just someone else's random good choice :)
they played Mars Volta inbetween the two sets in Stockholm too :) I was surprised when I heard the lovely beginning of "Son et lumiere".. took me like 10 seconds before I realised what I was humming along to :)
Herad the Mars Volta just the other day actually, for the first time. They sound very cool, I like bands that mix with electro type sounds, is quite teh gnarly.

Might have to check them out a bit more in depth I think

get the album, its definitely worth it... download

son et lumiere/intertiatic [son et goes into inertiatic.. but some versions on the net have them togetther... eh]


and... OMG this song rules:

-take the veil cerpin taxt
somewhat off topic but I saw soilwork open with tequila...yes the was through the pa and blasting...and then...death metal!

really strange, in between them and In Flames they played Sigur Ros, which I loved, but all the metalheads were very unhappy about.
chaveta said:
get the album, its definitely worth it... download

son et lumiere/intertiatic [son et goes into inertiatic.. but some versions on the net have them togetther... eh]


and... OMG this song rules:

-take the veil cerpin taxt
Hell yeah! Amazing songs all of them... my recent favorite is definitely Eunuch Provocateur from the Tremulant ep- killer drumming!
Don't download it. It is one of the cheaper CDs out there right now. I got it brand new for $8.99. It really is a great album and everybody I've played it for loves it.
fadingessence said:
somewhat off topic but I saw soilwork open with tequila...yes the was through the pa and blasting...and then...death metal!

really strange, in between them and In Flames they played Sigur Ros, which I loved, but all the metalheads were very unhappy about.
You think that's wierd? I went to see Strapping Young Lad/Devin Townsend Band/Zimmer's Hole at the Garage in Glasgow. After the DTB set I was expecting something heavy to get the crowd fired up for SYL. Instead we got.....

ABBA. No bullshit. That Devy, he's maaaaaad I tells ya.
I can't remember the name of the band, but they were opening for Alchemist and they were a pretty heavy band... but they had Radiohead's "Everything In Its Right Place" playing on the PA, with the band slowly fading in before an abrupt change to full-blown metal. It was a good choice, the contrast worked really well.

Also, The Mars Volta was played before The Butterfly Effect came on stage just the other day, but it was the venue's choice, not the bands.
I've been hearing a lot of good stuff about the Mars Volta, but it's usually from people I know who are into that 80's throwback prog/powermetal kinda sound. Does the Mars Volta sound anything like that? How's their singer? Is he another one of those castrati sopranos that shreiks like the fags that always sing with Yngwie?
Mars Volta is fucking amazing. I finally bought their full length last week and I think I'm gonna get the EP today. I can't stop listening to this album. The band was formed by two At the Drive In Members... they're a lot different than ATDI... but also very similar.. some songs definitly remind you of ATDI and some don't. But I'D say that if you don't like ATDI, you probably won't like MV. But give em a try anyways, you'll atleast be impressed. The CD is only 10 dollars too, so buy it.. it's one of the best deals I've ever made.