Marshall Mode Four


...claiming my flesh
Nov 3, 2002
Swindon, UK
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Any Opinions on this amp?

I would like to know how it fares against other big name amps such as Mesa or Peavey.
I am looking for the thickest and heaveyest tone around so any other recommendations would also be helpful.

Thanks :cool:
this is that 4 channel solid state that costs as much as a mesa right?

send it back to hell where it came from. The thing IS solid state whatever they say to the contrary, it has a few lonely preamp tubes that are suppose to help the sound and thats it. Basically what you get is a souped up valvestate with 4 channels and a massive price tag that no one in their right mind would pay. If I understand the reasoning behind Marshall (but who does these days) the amp is really meant to hook all the nu-metal guys that don't know any better. In other words it gives muddy tone with tons of low end and tons of SS gain (that sounds nothing like tube gain).

Does it compare to a "real" marshall or mesa? I very much doubt it. There are a few amps that get pretty close to tube tone without using tubes but the valvestate series doesn't even try. There is no way in hell this thing pumps out the same sound as a DSL 2000 or a Duel Recto...and for that matter a laney or a peavey.

Just buy a 5150 and save yourself the trouble. Want the best reason? In Flames, Arch Enemy, Children of Bodom, Soilwork....the list goes on. Another option is also a Laney, GH or VH series. That is what I personally use and believe me....they are great for death metal. Either of those options will give what you want without spending far too much money on a substandard amp.
the mode 4 is crap but its not as expensive as a boogie maybe a second hand one this amp has the looses flabbiest bottom end of and amp ive used my triaxis 2:90 rig kicks its ass if i was you dont even think about buying one go try one out and see for yourself
yeah this amp really is a pile. i think its marshall's attempt at mesa tone but it fails to do it right.

if u want to go marshall the best metal tone you're gonna get in my opinion is one of the jcm 800 reissues. you'll prolly have to add an overdrive pedal to get what ur looking for but u can get some booming tone this way. zakk wylde's rig is a modded jcm 800 (different tubes...although i hear the ones in just the regular 800 are nicer) and an overdrive pedal and his tone is monsterous.

and u for sure cant go wrong w/ a mesa rectifier. and it would be my recommendation. i think they produce the best 'thick and heavy' tone around.

and fadingessence pretty much hit it on the head. if cost is an issue (it prolly isnt if ur looking at a mode 4 though) u can get nice metal tone from a 5150 or a laney but neither is gonna be a versatile as a rectifier will be.
new marshall's are supposed to have really bad breakdown problems. marshall used to make quality amps. a vintage jcm 800 is about as good as u can get but they're production is pretty shotty now a days.
I must say one of the worst amps I have ever heard was a Marshall Valvestate it had no balls at all. If these mode 4s are anything like that I would steer well clear. I have a dual recto and I reckon you cant get much better tone than from one of those babys.
What is wrong with Solid State amps? I have a Crate Solid State that beats the shtit out of just about every tube amp I've played. But it is MY OPINION.

The Mode Four is garbage unless you like Nu Metal. It doesnt have any good things about it that you cant get with almost any other amp. The two distortion channels sound the same to me. Only played with it for about 10 minutes tho.

I've eliminated all need for arguing over amps. Had one custom made for me.