Rack Power Amps

7 Dying Trees

Bastard Albino Elf
Apr 18, 2002
The woodland fern
To complement the other thread, I thought I'd ask everyone about rack power amps. Which ones are good, which ones to avoid, which ones I should look into etc.

So far my prefernce is towards a mesa 2:90 to compliment my triaxis, but I will listen to any recomendations anyone may have.

Currently I am using my old marshall head as a power amp, which is unreliable. Oh, and it has to be sturdy :)

cheers for advice and recommendations in advance :)

Mesa power amps are great. I've played through the 2:90 and the Strategy 400s, and they're very well built and musical.

I own a VHT 2150, probably the king of all power amps. But I could say without a doubt (and from having conversations with Steve Fryette, a very nice and knowedable man), that ANY VHT would be a good thing.

The VHT stuff is so over-engineered and overbuilt, they're pretty much the industry standard for tubed power amps.

Both Mesa and VHT are hand-built in California, and are well worth the money they cost.

Of course it comes to preference, but that's my opinion.
No, that would be two channels at 50 w each, some would be bridgable, but most aren't...

Yeah, and tube amps and SS amps both used different ratings for watts...

a 50w tube amp with outcrank a 100w SS most of the time....