Marshall VS100 head...opinions?

I own one and if you take your time and tweak it you can get some fucking killer tones out of it. Actually I know a guy named Jamie King (he records for Victory Records on the East Coast) actually has one of these in his gear line up and my understanding is that he uses it often. But if you have any doubt go to your local music store and demo one. You may have to try out the AVT 150 head but it is pretty much the same head and cost a couple hundred dollars less. It is all about personal opinion though. What may sound great to me may be shit to you! Hope this helps.
ahhh, my first "real" guitar head, which I used from about '90 until '94 maybe. never knew chuck from death used one until recently. there's some youtube of him playing one live, and his did the same thing mine did: feedback at high volume. it doesn't get loud at all. sounded more like 40 watts or something.

GREAT for recording (not direct mind you), very full, bassy, nice distortion.

people would probably call the distortion weak these days, but I think I'd still dig it.

i stopped using the effects loop because everytime i did, the amp would get screwed up, even after the effect was unplugged. had to get that issue fixed several times.

i miss it, and may get a 1-12" version for shits and giggles someday.

the newer line is junk compared to it.
I still have one! I bought it years ago, because of Chuck Schuldiner.
I think the old Valvestates sound alot better than the newer ones like the AVT series...maybe just me, but I think it's pretty drastic.
Anyway, the VS100 does have a tight and defined sound, hell listen to "Symbolic" or "Sound of Perseverance". Chuck's sound was awesome. Even though I primarily use tube amps now, I still think it's a great amp for crisp, technical riffing.

Oh yeah, and the clean sound is great. I still use it for cleans!
The new Valvestate sucks (AVT) the old valvestate like the VS100 are great, you can´t compare both because they sound way diferent.