Question to James regarding amp heads

Beheaded by God

The Retribution
Jan 11, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
I recently purchased an old Marshall VS100 RH head and I read in reviews somewhere that you used one? If that is correct, I'd like to get your input on this amp and/or any good/bad facts about it. I also would like suggestions for a good cabinet for it. Naturally, I play metal. :D Thanks!
Beheaded by God said:
I recently purchased an old Marshall VS100 RH head and I read in reviews somewhere that you used one? If that is correct, I'd like to get your input on this amp and/or any good/bad facts about it. I also would like suggestions for a good cabinet for it. Naturally, I play metal. :D Thanks!

i don't remember the model nubmer on mine being tagged with "RH"... not sure what that is.

we didn't do anything special.. just turned up the gain!.. lol.. and the guitar had an EMG 85 in the bridge position.. hope that helps!
Thanks for the response, James. I think the RH just stands for reverb head or something. To me it lookes like a normal VS 100 and don't know why it was listed as a VS100RH. I'll be sure to crank the gain once I get a cabinet. :D