Marvel Comics vs. DC Comics

Black Core said:
I'm only familiar with Marvel, could you give a few more examples of DC comics?
(originally an actualized specimen of Freidrich Neitzche's theoretical "superman")

(the superhero with no superpowers, becoming masked vigilante as a symptom of post trumatic stress dissorder)

The Flash (the only man that can run faster than Superman)

The Green Lantern (power ring projecting Kryptonite-colored energy)

Aqua Man (lame DC rip-off of Marvel's Sub-Mariner)

The Black Vulcan/Cyborg (lame black hero characters created when NAACP bitched about DC's Justice League not having any black members)

Rubberbandman (lame rip-off of Marvel's Mr Fantastic from the Fantastic Four)
ah, ok, thanx

well I kinda like Marvel more, don't exactly know why, maybe it's because some of em are more thrillers than actual action movies (like the Manthing)
Silver Incubus said:
Id say marvel, X-men, Spiderman are just too good(no i don't mean the movies) the X-men/Spiderman movies were only lame in comparison to the supreme greatness of the comix, and even then mostly because they contradict the comix, if you knew nothing of the comix at all, then the X-men/Spiderman movies would have totally kicked-ass as modern-day versions of the lame-ass action movies from the Norris/Van Damme/Segal eraBatman is ok the only writer that could do Batman good was Frank Miller, Miller's Batman is the greatest superhero ever, but all the other Batman writers totally suckSuperman is ultra lame
Smallville is definately the most Marvel-esque incarnation of Superman, but even that show has it's moments of lamenes
I agree with most of everybody else Marvel is way better. Superman is super lame in my opinion.
Believe it or not, I took a class at my college ( the first year was a prereq to getting into Music Industry Arts) and in the genreal arts program there was a COMIC BOOK class. We read, Batman Returns(really fucking killer) Watchmen(another killer DC comic by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons), and this book on the history of the comic genre.We also read one about a jew in Nazi poland, called Maus. Oh and Ghostworld, that was shitty.
This is going back a while for me, but when I was reading them, I always preferred Marvel. Personality-wise, I identified more with the characters that were written in Marvel's books. They always seemed more adult and flawed (as adult as mainstream comic books got, anyways.)

D.C.'s characters definitely seemed more childish and cheesy, although I always have had an affinity for the Green Lantern (both the cracker AND the brother:) ).

My Marvel faves were The Fantastic Four and the first two years of John Byrne's Alpha Flight.

What the hell was the human name of that orange Sasquatch character...?
I'll have to go with DC, I have like 2000 them in my attic. green lantern was my favorite. I guess I just never got into marvel.
Walter_Langkowski said:
I always have had an affinity for the Green Lantern both the cracker AND the brother
do you realize that DC killed Kyle [can't remember how to spell his last name]and made the power ring attach itself to a BLACK guy to appease the NAACP bitching about how there were no black superheroes in the justice league?

DC was just being stupid, i loved the white green lantern and they could have just brought back the 3 black guys that were in the justice league in the 60's/70's
Tongue_Ring said:
do you realize that DC killed Kyle [can't remember how to spell his last name]and made the power ring attach itself to a BLACK guy to appease the NAACP bitching about how there were no black superheroes in the justice league?

DC was just being stupid, i loved the white green lantern and they could have just brought back the 3 black guys that were in the justice league in the 60's/70's

Dey wuz keepin' all da bros down, homie. Time fo da 187 on his honky azz.:lol:

No seriously I never knew that. I would love to find a store around where I could buy all the old school comics that I never had the money to get before. All the late 70's and 1980-82 books that I always thought looked pretty cool. I'd probably blow at least $500 there if I was in one of those.
Tongue_Ring said:
do you realize that DC killed Kyle [can't remember how to spell his last name]and made the power ring attach itself to a BLACK guy to appease the NAACP bitching about how there were no black superheroes in the justice league?
just found out that [to appease the people that are pissed off about the green lantern being a black guy] DC is bringing Hal Jordan back from the dead [the white guy that was the green lantern before Kyle Rayner, or Rainer or however the hell it was they spelled his last name]