
Finished reading this a few days ago and enjoyed it a lot, just like the entire series. Now, I'm looking forward to reading the "Dark Nights: Death Metal"-collection, but before that, it'll be the "Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen"-collection and the "Justice League: Justice/Doom War"-collection, which both have been recommended as background reading.

After reading the "DCeased"- and "DCeased: Unkillables"-collections, I'm also curious how the DCeased-series will continue.
What's up with the whole Tim Fox being Batman thing??
Dick Grayson becoming Batman made sense (and even Terry McGinnis, kinda) but Tim Fox becoming Batman was just What-the-fucking-hell??? kinda moment
so apparently any random male in Gotham can get in-shape, put on a mask and become Batman now??
in response to this picture
the existence of Jessaica Cruz seems to be yet another attempt to make a "female version" of a male character

everybody say it with me now...
Dick Grayson becoming Batman made sense (and even Terry McGinnis, kinda) but Tim Fox becoming Batman was just What-the-fucking-hell??? kinda moment
so apparently any random male in Gotham can get in-shape, put on a mask and become Batman now??

maybe i'm taking everything just a little too seriously when it comes to critiquing superhero-comic-writing
yeah, okay, so it's not a new thing

which means it's now time to accept the fact that Alan Moore is crazy
because he's been crazy for a while

just because he was awesome at comic-writing doesn't mean he's awesome at every (or any) thing else
just because someone is awesome at one specific thing doesn't mean that they're actually sane

Alan Moore is batshit crazy
oh, come on now
he blamed Superhero movies for Trump being capable of becoming president
as if somehow superhero movies being less popular or filmed differently could have somehow resulted in Trump loosing the election by a landslide

after saying that crazy-ass shit, are you really gonna call Alan Moore completely sane??
I'd say he's more bitter than crazy. His overarching point is that superhero culture has played a large role in the infantilization of the public, which lead to certain political outcomes he disagrees with etc.

Even if I disagree with him, it's not an insane concept.
I'd say he's more bitter than crazy
but being bitter doesn't make him sane
even if he has a legit reason to be bitter
he's bitter over situations where he felt he was fucked over
but if we agree with Alan Moore that Alan Moore was fucked over, than it really just makes him look even more crazy

his bitterness could have been used to do productive things
like Image comics being created when Todd McFarlane felt that Marvel and DC were fucking over the creators of individual comic characters

and instead of bitching about the industry as a whole (the industry which gave him all his money and the fame to have people hear him bitch)
he could just be bitter an bitch about the specific people that fucked him over like when a writer/artist gets pissed off at one comic company and starts doing the exact same job working for another, or how Nicolas Cage ended up playing Marvel Comics character Ghost Rider only After the whole thing where Nick Cage almost played DC character Superman

Jack Kirby died broke
Jack's wife kids and grandkids blamed Stan Lee and eventually became super rich by winning a lawsuit where a judge basically agreed with them that Jack had gotten fucked over and should have had a fortune in his bank account when he died

Alan Moore getting fucked over isn't resulting in Alan Moore making more money or any kind of improvement of the industry he's complaining about
it's just resulting in Alan Moore making the crazy rants about how superhero culture somehow affecting political elections and causing Brexit
Superhero culture is a part of mainstream culture.
in America
superhero-dorks are liberal democrats to the point where the popularity of the Superhero movies got Joe Biden into office
as opposed to dumb-ass Alan Moore thinking superhero dorks voted for Trump getting into office
the popularity of superhero movies didn't put Trump in office, it prevented Trump from getting the second term
See this is how I know you're too retarded to understand what he's saying, you think he's talking about the voting pattern of "superhero dorks" lmao just shut the fuck up you stupid cunt. :lol:
Barack Obama getting on the cover of The Amazing Spiderman totally helped Obama get a second term
the idea that superhero movies putting Donald Freaking Trump into office is just completely ludicrous
most American Hard-Core comic-book-dorks recognized Donald Trump as the guy that they already hated before he even decided to run for 2016 president
the voting paterns of superhero dorks prevented donald trump from getting a second term you dumb-ass