
Dick Grayson becoming Batman made sense (and even Terry McGinnis, kinda) but Tim Fox becoming Batman was just What-the-fucking-hell??? kinda moment
so apparently any random male in Gotham can get in-shape, put on a mask and become Batman now??
this is pretty clearly DC doing a "black Batman" thing the way that Marvel did a "Black Spider-Man thing" with Miles Morales
One of the comic shops I visit is running their twice annual bargain comic sale. Stuff is 50 cents a book. And they've got a reported 40,000 books to offer. I took the trip yesterday. While most of the stuff was material I either had or didn't want, I did find a few things. Some Sgt. Rock, some various Richie Rich comics, a few Doctor Who comics from the Marvel Comics series and a couple of random things that caught my eye.

But the big takeaway was a nearly complete set of the Jon Sable, Freelance series by Mike Grell. There's 56 issues in the series and I got 51 of them yesterday.
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what are your thoughts on this??

To be honest, I've stopped reading most of DC and Marvel superhero titles. So my interest in what they are doing is extremely limited.

Bruce Wayne is always Batman regardless of whatever crazy shit the publishers pull to make people think otherwise.
To be honest, I've stopped reading most of DC and Marvel superhero titles. So my interest in what they are doing is extremely limited.

Bruce Wayne is always Batman regardless of whatever crazy shit the publishers pull to make people think otherwise.
it seems like Marvel and DC aren't even really trying to make good superhero COMICS anymore because they're just competing to make good superhero MOVIES
it seems like Marvel and DC aren't even really trying to make good superhero COMICS anymore because they're just competing to make good superhero MOVIES

Don't look for me to argue with you on that point. Most of my pull list is made up of non-superhero titles from smaller companies and the stuff I get from Marvel is either Star Wars or Conan related or on the rare occasion that they publish new stories attached to something I read growing up like New Mutants or Power Pack.

DC, I don't think I have any regular titles I pick up from them at all. Although I did pick up the first issue of the new Checkmate miniseries because I was a big fan of the original series back in the 80's/90's.
i kinda gave up reading Marvel comics when they did an entire issue of The Amazing Spider-man that didn't actually have Spider-man in it
the "supporting cast" had so much shit going on with their lives that i ended up paying for the issue of Amazing Spider-man that didn't have either Spider-man or Peter Parker in it at all

An issue of Spider-man that didn't have Spider-man in it seemed really lame, and since i had actually paid for that issue i felt ripped-off

i kinda liked reading Superior Spiderman but then i was pissed about the way they did the re-numbering after Superior Spiderman
i kept waiting for Amazing Spiderman #701
Don't look for me to argue with you on that point. Most of my pull list is made up of non-superhero titles from smaller companies and the stuff I get from Marvel is either Star Wars or Conan related or on the rare occasion that they publish new stories attached to something I read growing up like New Mutants or Power Pack.

DC, I don't think I have any regular titles I pick up from them at all. Although I did pick up the first issue of the new Checkmate miniseries because I was a big fan of the original series back in the 80's/90's.
do you ever read the Superhero titles that aren't DC or Marvel??
i remember Spawn and Invincible being pretty good
and i remember having some IRL friends that loved Witch Blade
I don't read any of those titles either.
i guess i wasn't really clear
what i meant was that i remember (a while ago) people saying that the Superhero titles if Image and Top Cow were way-the-fuck-better than the horribleness of the crappy things that Marvel and DC were doing with their fucked-up story-lines
i guess i wasn't really clear
what i meant was that i remember (a while ago) people saying that the Superhero titles if Image and Top Cow were way-the-fuck-better than the horribleness of the crappy things that Marvel and DC were doing with their fucked-up story-lines

Honestly, every company has their share of horrifically bad superhero stuff. It's just Marvel and DC that raise that badness to galactic levels of awful.
Marvel and DC that raise that badness to galactic levels of awful.
which has gotten worse now that Marvel and DC are now focused on making movies instead of being more focused on trying to make good comics, it's pretty sad really

here's a "unified theory" explaining Spider-man's power-set

if spider-man (1) has "organic webbing" (2) as opposed to "mechanical webshooters" (3) and if this organic webbing is designed for "brachiating" (4) as opposed to being designed as "weapons", then spider-man's other powers (5) as they exist in "Earth 616" (6) would be neccassarry for "webslinging" without killing himself







there's actually a pretty huge "hole" in this theory
let's see who can figure it out the quickest

Source. (There are another two parts of this "story arc" as well as a selection of other free stories.)
Reza Negarestani’s Chronosis was some wild shit. Not an amazing work by any means (way too thin narratively, and seems to think it’s more substantial than it actually is), but an enjoyable bit of speculative psychedelia. Recommended for hardcore fans of the form, but definitely not everyone’s cuppa tea. I’d describe it as a philosophically dense, convoluted mind-melt about the coming-to-being of time (time imagined as a sentient thing). It’s weird, fun, and makes no sense, haha.

Also, it reads as though narrated by Cormac McCarthy’s Judge Holden.


(The actual graphics are in color, images available online seem to be B&W only)

I have been informed that there is an insane villain in The Punisher universe called Barracuda. Is there a book collection for all his stories?