Maryland Death Fest

yea CODC's sound was weird. knowing them though, they probably just got on stage and plugged in without a sound check or anything. Thats grind for you.
In my own worthless opinion INHUME and LENG TCH'E were the best, followed closely by NEURAXIS, ARSIS, DEHUMANIZED, VOMIT REMNANTS and MISERY INDEX. Came home with 27 Cds and a Fest t-shirt and lots of pics which I am in the process of organizing. Great weekend!
Dead_Lioness said:
^ show the pics, Kris with a K!
I am at the office now so I do not have access to them. I will try and post some tonite.

You just love that "Kris with a K!" thing dont you?? :loco: :tickled:
Wolftribe said:
when i get my license, i'm so totally going to as many fests like this as i can
gotta get your pubes first, dontcha? aaahahahha hahahhahaha aaahahahahah2lhkahwlhahah!!! naw im just kiddin. youngster.