MASS MIND BREEDING - Our first official single FOR FREE!!! (Mastered by Jens Bogren)

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hay Guys! :)

Just wanted to let you know, that our first single is online. It´s also downloadable on bandcamp! I´m feeling kind of burned out glad, it´s been published now!! :) Hope you like the mix and the master and of course...the song. Tell me what you think! And feel free to "like" us on facebook. Edit: BTW it´s a Metal Ballad!!!

Aaaand the bandcamp page:

Best Regards,

Felix Neumann
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I was expecting a furious thrash metal song!lol It´s quite obvious that those guitar harmonies were written by you, they scream your name and style!lol Anyway good stuff.
I was expecting a furious thrash metal song!lol It´s quite obvious that those guitar harmonies were written by you, they scream your name and style!lol Anyway good stuff.

Hahaha I hope you weren´t that disapointed, Nuno :) Yeah those harmonies...hehe typical for me, I guess. Thanks for taking your time to give it a listen, dude :kickass:
I dig the song, I wasn't too keen on the vocals at first but they do the job. I like the harmonies and the solo. I like the overall aesthetics of the choices, like the dark and raw guitar sound, I can't comment more since I'm just on my laptop speakers at low volume at night.

Isn't it a bit strange to release a ballad as the promo song if what you do is more thrashy otherwise ?
I dig the song, I wasn't too keen on the vocals at first but they do the job. I like the harmonies and the solo. I like the overall aesthetics of the choices, like the dark and raw guitar sound, I can't comment more since I'm just on my laptop speakers at low volume at night.

Isn't it a bit strange to release a ballad as the promo song if what you do is more thrashy otherwise ?

Thank you, Lesedna, for taking your time to listen!

It´s our best song yet, that´s why we choosed it as a single. We show our thrashy faces at the end of the song - so it´s covered nearly every aspect that makes us as a band. Tbh we knew, it may be kind of risky...but we did this with maximum awareness, since we have a teaser floating around that shows some more adrenalin...

I´m glad, you like the song! :kickass: Johnny´s vocals seem to polarize the shit out everytime hahaha. His vocal performance is true, genuine and simply NOT perfect technically! I said goodbye to the philosophy of perfection (contrary to the overriding philosophy of most engineers), when it´s about vocal recording. I wanna feel authenticity! The singer makes contact directly with the listener...and I realized for myself, that I love the humanity in performances of f.e Cash or the good old Beatles. You know what I mean...? Though we all know, the golden middle way is always the best!

This does not apply to the backingtrack. The foundation must be as stable as a leader bunker! IMO
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Sounds great Felix!

Did you change the mix before you sent it to Jens?
If not it's amazing how much he added to the quality that was allready there before!

If the lyrics revolve around what I think then Johnny has my deepest sympathies
Sounds great Felix!

Did you change the mix before you sent it to Jens?
If not it's amazing how much he added to the quality that was allready there before!

If the lyrics revolve around what I think then Johnny has my deepest sympathies

Thank you, Mago :kickass:

Yes, I changed the mix a couple of times yet, I also recorded some subtle acoustic guitar elements, BUT though it´s friggin amazing what Jens pulled out of quality. I gladly post my unmastered mix for AB comparison. He added a lot of brilliance and depth, you´ll hear. Concerning Johnny, I can say, he had some hard times and the lyrics are based on facts...nevertheless I think, I can´t say more about it.

Yeah, it would be really interesting to listen to the final mix before mastering.

So it shall be it shall be done :) I´m gonna post my finalmix tonight for AB comparison.