Massive amp shootout


Aug 2, 2007
I used Jaymz' awesome Nevermore DI pack to do an amp shootout.
These files are all Wavs so if you import them to your DAW you can easily flick between them.
Chain is Apogee mini DAC > Palmer Daccapo > TS808 > head > Rectifier cab > SM57 and M201 on different cones > Focusrite ISA828

Marshall 30th anniversary 6100 (EL34)

Peavey 6505

Mesa Triple Rectifier

Hughes and Kettner Triamp MK2

Marshall VS8100

Mesa MK4

Looking forward to your opinions.
I am liking the Marshall 6100 the most but maybe that's because I only just got it :-)
In order of preference:

1 Triple rectum
2 PV
3 H&K
4 Valvestate
5 6100
6 MK4

But all seem to have an excessive nasality imo. It makes it hard to judge for me.
In order of preference:

1 Triple rectum
2 PV
3 H&K
4 Valvestate
5 6100
6 MK4

But all seem to have an excessive nasality imo. It makes it hard to judge for me.

What do you mean by nasality?
Too much mids?
There is just hi and lo pass and a cut at 300 on the tracks.
Yes too much mids is what I meant.

I probably should have EQed for a more mix ready sound before uploading.
I thought it might be best to leave the mids intact for comparison.
I have re-uploaded with mid cut and edited original post .
Now mixes sit better.
Nice tones, difficult to say.
I am liking the 6100 too, maybe it's a little nasal, anyway they sound great.
Honestly, the only one I like at all is the 6100, with the VS8100 (surprisingly) coming in second. Wasn't digging any of the others at all :lol:
Marshall 6100 needs more gain to my ears, it's not tight/grindy enough
Mesa recto is quite scooped sounding, surprised that I didn't like it
MK4 and Triamp are too fuzzy for me
6505 and 8100 are both VERY good. Absolutely killed everything else in the shootout imo.
I preferred the Recto. At first I thought it was a little too scooped but then the vocals kicked in and it sat nice.

The 6505 was second for me. I preferred it to the Recto when there were no vocals but once the vocals kicked in the amp tone was too in the way for my tastes.

I normally like Marks (I play a Mark) but not this time around. It kind of sounds like the gain was turned up too far and the clarity compromised in the process.

The Triamp sounded kind of bloated and the bottom end mushed together.

The Marshalls were ok. I'm not a Marshall guy so take my opinion with a grain of salt.