massive opeth news!!!

Oh MY GOD, Thats impossible, a double cd only one year after Blackwater Park, But then again it´s Opeth. I´m gona go in the bathroom and slit my wrist. Can´t wait!!!
eyes roll up in head
world starts spinning
begin to lose consciousness
sense of falling while passing out
never feel the impact of hitting the ground
minutes pass
eyes open
feel the pain
immediately forget about the pain
stand up
shake off the cobwebs
two arms raised with clenched fists
the silent air filled with the words: THANK YOU OPETH
This is very, very good news. And it's ambitious as well, which is always good to see. What a great way to start the morning :) I just wish more of the news I've been hearing recently was as uplifting as this.
I dunno....1 heavy cd and 1 mellow. I always like Opeth's blend of the two together. I don't think I could stand an only heavy Opeth.
Originally posted by GuitarShredder
I dunno....1 heavy cd and 1 mellow. I always like Opeth's blend of the two together. I don't think I could stand an only heavy Opeth.

You might just have to put the two albums in a multi-cd player and hit random ;)