Mastered By Muppets FINAL!

Great stuff haha. I lol-ed hard at the "exciting" ghettoblaster sound and especially the Nelson sample. Nice also how most of the lead/solo work is better than the original :). Dan's great lyrics are also more understandable than in the rough version. Hope this really takes off after all the work you put in.
Yeah yeah yeah ! It´s finaly completed :) The whole result is good total ! Great Job, dudes !

Cheers on this!!

P.S I like the funny elements a lot..especially the simpsons laughing at the end..Hahaaa
I will upload this onto

the official clipping death myspace site that I'm working on haha.

The singer wanted to remain anonymous, but all I will say is his band have released some classic thrash albums in the late 80s/early 90s. Make of that what you will, but anyone who would care if I told them would possibly recognise his voice anyway...

lyrics and all that stuff are on the myspace, add away and spread the word.

MASSIVE THANKS to everyone involved, for putting in the time and for help making this actually into something :)