Mastered By Muppets FINAL!

Yeah yeah yeah ! It´s finaly completed :) Oz, why did you use the first track of my solo ? I thought the other track was a bit stronger..hmmm but it does not matter, cause the whole result is good total ! Great Job, dudes ! And who the hell is the LEAD SINGER ????! :D

Actually, it was a compilation of the best bits of both. The strongest parts are in place.
So, as per "how it was done" here's what was used:

Rhythm guitar : 5150 into Mesa Oversized cab, 57 & 421 blend.
I originally tried putting the rhythm tracks through the Recto, but it just wasn't happening: "The Sound is in the Hands." ...And Dan's hands needed the 5150.
Dan & Felix Leads: Dual Recto into the same cab, 57 into Great River MP2NV & Distressor set up for "Fairchild" mode
You'll have to ask Izzy what he used. He sent me dry tracks, but I was so impressed with his miked track, I figured it would be best to keep it.
Bass: Blend of dry & Sansamp into Distressor
Cleans: My newly grounded 1965 Traynor YB1-A (still has the original Phillips tubes in it.)
Drums: Ran them through Superior 2.0 at a friend's & then augmented the snare with a Slate Sample (Nevermore, I think) Kick is pure Slate & toms have some serious SawStudio EQ on them, as they're pretty fucking dull raw.
Mixed in SawStudio
Actually, it was a compilation of the best bits of both. The strongest parts are in place.

Okay, that´s absolutely alright..can live with it very good! You did a great mixing Job, Oz. And Lasse´s master is very pleasent!


Before the slow acoustic solo part begins, who speaks know this "blabla motherfucker". I don´t understand it really good. What did the one say ?
That was me... Got a little spontaneous when cutting backing vocals. Originally it was just like the, "Master! master" on the original but thought it would be better as:

"Master Quieter! .....You dumb Motherfuckers!"
BTW, guys, feel free to re-host it, share it with your friends & spread the word.

As if you guys weren't cool enough! Quite specifically, "Anti-Metallica".

Not surprised in the least considering the cast and crew of this production...but duuuuuuuuuuude this song is just awesome!

My first reaction was :rock:, then I :lol: so hard I :waah: then :Puke: This song deserves :kickass: