Mastered the new AYREON

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
I'm not usually bragging much about what I do in here (or do I maybe?), but I just wanted to share that info, I have been an Ayreon fan since the mid 90's so it's such an honour for me...

atta boy!
Sick! Love Ayreon. Is the new stuff a little less synthy? The Human Equation had some great stuff going but the album after seemed all synth to me.
Awesome. I love Ayreon. I think his work is quite different to everything out there and it's so massive and layered. Can't wait to hear it!
Thanks guys! Yeah I'm super psyched, and I absolutely love the album, I think it's probably Arjen's best disc since "Into The Electric Castle". Very proggy, lots of synths, acoustic parts, nice acoustic instruments and kind of folkish parts, and some heavy hitting parts as well. Really cool!
Can't wait t hear it Brett, been an Ayreon fan since mid 90's too!

OT: you'll be mixing an album where i do a collaboration, Exxiles.
Thanks guys! Yeah I'm super psyched, and I absolutely love the album, I think it's probably Arjen's best disc since "Into The Electric Castle".

Cool I like that album! It's pretty insane too :) Congrats for doing the new one!
Would be nice to know how you got the job. Was it Arjen personally that wanted you to master it or was it more of a label decision?