Mastering Compression


Producer/Mixing Engineer
Jul 18, 2006
Hey guys

The mastering is hard to understand - but i'e found that i realize what is it and what i need to do):rolleyes:

i found that the main thing is EQ and compression (and limiting of course)

with eq is everything clear

but what about compression? what to use? band compression? then what frequencies? etc.) Compression could make the mix fatter or thinner...

any suggestions?
Personally I like using a highpass around 40hz on the Master channel. Those ultra low frequncies do nothing but make your speakers work overtime. I also use a compressor to take the edge off of my mix. Set your threshold very close to where your db is peaking. Use a fast attack and high compression ratio. This helps smooth everyting out. You should not be getting more than 1 to 1.5 db of gain reduction. If any tracks require hardcore compression, you should already have that setup on it's individual channel strip.

There are probably many ways to skin this cat, but this is what works for me.
all i can say multiband compression is the key.... since i started learning about multi-band processors my mixes sounds much better!

i think a good start is the izotop ozone, read its manual it's very helpfull!

in the past I put like everything on the masterbus. But after years and learning, reading nice books I learned it for me.

I´m using waves plugins. In my opinion these are the best. (uad is also great and sony oxford too)

First I mix the project, that my master fader didnt go over 0 db.
But I try to get every instrument very loud and proud.

Then I put Lmb from waves as first plug.(linear multiband---Master bundle, platinum, diamond and mercury bundle)

sometimes some little eq. Only to get everything down at 40hz.

After the fader touchs I use a maximizer(like inflator or maximizer in cubase 4) for little more volume and then the L3 ultramaximizer. Also a little boost and for dithering.

This is my way. It depends on your mix. There is only one very importent thing in everybodys way. Be care full that nothing goes over 0db.

Like i say this is my way hope it helps
thanks guys for answers

but mybe some exact advices about band compression?

or maybe anarticle about that....