mastering for a *poor* newb?


Aug 25, 2007
If I were to record a decent sounding demo of 4-5 songs on my own. What would be the cheapest way to get a decent mastered track? Im also a total mastering newb and I really dont even know wth mastering consists of.

Im just looking for something to make it sound ok across car stereos as well as cheap headphones and cheap computer speakers.

Any tips ideas of software to look into? AMS has wwavelab for like $50 would this be a good choice? Ive also read there are a few voxengo plugins that are good for mastering but they require more knowledge to use.. which I dont have?

edit: I currently use Cubase SX3 on windows, but I plan on switching to logic express when I purchase a macbook in a a month or two. So I would like something that can be used on both os's.
Izotope Ozone.

Thats is probably the cheapest/easiest way to do it yourself... it has tons of plugin presets to get you started...

It might be a little more then I want to spend.. but with presets and all I should be able to load up some unmastered wav or tracks and process them and be done with it? Or is it more involved then that?
"CD Master with Widening" preset from izotope Ozone 3 :D
nah kidding , you should try finding some tutorials that will expllain limiters, rms/loudness, multiband compression, clipping, some eq.
also you can find some plugs free here before spending any money, see what you like, what works best for you and then buy with awerness.
Ibut with presets and all I should be able to load up some unmastered wav or tracks and process them and be done with it?

No, the presets are just there to help. There´s no way for a 'mastering preset' work on different mixes. anyway, I suggest you to read Ozone´s manual even if you don´t like the program.

...oh, and no, mastering is not easy. not easy at all.
...oh, and no, mastering is not easy. not easy at all.

Not easssssssssssssyyyyyy!

As stated, def read up, and have an idea what you're getting into before spending on anything, so at least you know what you need, and how to work with it...
thanks for the suggestions, and links to free plugins which I always like :D

I will defeinatly skim through the ozone manual. Im not looking to be master at this ;) but id like to be able to get something decent done for demo work.
Some free stuff that should help:

Go to click on ressourcen (left navigation) and then impulse responses. Scroll doooown and get the 32-bit versions of dpx& and dpx& These mastering impulses of amazing EQs work well with the SIR 1 - and should give subtle improvements.

For more EQ I would tend to use the Pushtec for decent work and the Rubberfilter if you need to get rid of frequencies. And try the Voxengo Overtone EQ which is adding harmonic material (so be carefull with it).

As a free mastering compressor I would nearly always use the Endorphin. It's got "just" 2-bands but it sounds great IMHO.

I don't know about a real cool free-limiter but I didn't try the new Barricade - I would be thankfull for suggestions as well.

Oh yeah, if your snare is really peaking out and you want to use clipping :oops: try the GClip, adding some gain (oversample) - but be seriously aware of this.

Good luck

EDIT: Ups, if you want to see what's going on, try the Fre(a)koscope or the Voxengo SPAN and perhaps the +phasescope of the Soundhack-Bundle.
Some free stuff that should help:

Go to click on ressourcen (left navigation) and then impulse responses. Scroll doooown and get the 32-bit versions of dpx& and dpx& These mastering impulses of amazing EQs work well with the SIR 1 - and should give subtle improvements.

awesome! thanks man. I'm anxious to try these 2.