Mastering I just did...


Kazrog, Inc.
Mar 6, 2002
OK, this is some non-metal, avant garde stuff by some friends of mine. Their band is called The Giant Squid Show, and their sound has been compared to Mr. Bungle, Primus, Fantomas, Frank Zappa, etc.

As a favor and for a learning experience, I decided to master their debut album last week and I'm very pleased with the results overall. I feel that the drums, in particular, could have been recorded much better, but for the most part this is a very respectable home recording and mix job that they did, and I did my best to improve the shortcomings (C4 and DreamVerb, in particular, worked wonders to put some life into the mastering!)

This is the first mastering I've ever done for anyone other than myself, your comments are welcome and appreciated, as we will most likely be making some final tweaks before it gets sent off for duplication.

These are my personal favorite songs on the album - 256kbps m4a files, play in iTunes: Damian's Orange Camoflauge Army.m4a Lunar Armstrong.m4a
No, you must be thinking of a different band (Giant Squid, I just Googled it.) This was entirely recorded, mixed, and produced by the band themselves, and mastered by me. They've never done any professional recording.