Mastering question..

Feb 28, 2010
Hi guys ,i was wondering if you use the reverb or delay for mastering? because my master tracks sound very flat and lifeless , i don't know why ...
thanks for your answer!
hummm ok .. thanks for the tips man :) i will trying with brickwall limiter .. for exemple of my sound you can listening my last mix here :
it's children of bodom cover to try mixing.. i find my sound is too "close" and i do not know how to remove that closed sound ..maybe with BL :)

No no no, I didn't mean a brickwall limiter would give any more life to your material (quite on the contrary), I just guessed you might be smashing your mixes way too much.

About the clip, here are a couple of points that might get you closer to what you're looking for:
1) The drums seem to have zero ambience. Experiment with artificial rooms (send the kit to an aux track and use a good room IR or such), add some reverb to the shells (sans the kick unless necessary), try some creative compression on the overheads to make them ring fuller and so on.
2) The guitar tone is a bit dry. Could use some more beef!
3) The bass could benefit from some nice grit. Check out Ola's tutorial video for a good place to start.

The clip is by no means bad, but unless I'm getting you completely wrong, your problem has fuck all to do with mastering :)
Thanks a lots guys!! i will try all that and i think the result will be better!! :) but.. where i can find the guitar beef? :D lool
EDIT : maybe for the guitar sound my room is bad for micing the amp ...
while mastering a track the other day which sound a bit "small", cut a bit of high end and boosted around 60-125.

the song instantly sounded huge!