Mastering rms tips?

Charlie E.

Jan 2, 2002
Miami, FL
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Well I just mastered my almost finalized mix and noticed that the first 2 songs are at -10.5 rms while the third song is at -9 rms.
Now obviously I'm gonna go in and add the plugin chain into the regions rather than the mix which is what I was doing so that I can make alterations and get a more even overall rms value out of the promo disc.
But I was wondering... should I try to get the third song to -10.5? or first two to -9? or maybe a little bit of both i.e get them all to -10? What would you guys do?
When you are using the same effects for every song, I wouldnt change a thing.
The different rms levels might come from one subdrop or extrem rimshot...

If you listen to the songs, do you hear a volume difference?

stick em all into a session and go between them to check for a noticeable audible difference. If you can't hear one them don't change a thing
and anyway
variations in volume, sound of instruments, etc are a part of the ebb and flow of albums
i would personally never go for 100% perfection from start to finish
When you are using the same effects for every song, I wouldnt change a thing.
The different rms levels might come from one subdrop or extrem rimshot...

If you listen to the songs, do you hear a volume difference?


I thought that would only be the case with a peakdb measurement. RMS -Root Mean Square is averaging isn't it???