Mastering Software

for "mastering" as far as a i do it, i use Ozone. seems to make the mix big without wrecking it too much.
I've loved Elephant so far, though I'm curious to try Ozone after all the praise it's been getting around here - for value though, fuck, Elephant absolutely can't be beat! :rock: (and I still WAY prefer it to L2 :D)
T-Racks comes with the single plugins when you buy it now, so awesome compressors and stuff for use generally with you're DAW too!

Ive used T-Racks for 2 years, i dig it :)
I ended up going with Ozone and it sounds fucking amazing! Got much better results with it than t-rack.

I love it. One warning though, it's tempting to stick it on the master bus early but then you have to turn it off if you haven't finished tracking to avoid latency. Once you turn it off everything sounds like shit!
real geeks use Har-bal :D. I use the sonalksis buss compressor on the master buss and correct small errors in Har-Bal. Mastering is barely noticeable on my mixes (except for the loudness) because I go back into the mix to solve EQ and frequency problems