

Jan 12, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Hey all. I'm trying to master mixes to commercial volume. I know that you need to gain stage all the plugs and such on the master buss. Anyway, I'm running this mix through an SSL comp 4:1 ratio, 10ms Attack, auto release with about 2-4db of gain reduction. Then I'm sending that to an L3-multi and squashing down some of the peaks usually trying to get about -6 atten. From there I go to Ozone, where I EQ, Tape saturate, then multiband. Then I stereo spread and usually widen the high freqs in by 4 and the high mid by 2 and bring the lows down to about -6. Then I go to limit. I've tried all different settings, transparent to fast. No matter what I'm having trouble with getting the mixes to hit -8ish RMS without crazy pumping or clipping.

What do?
-6dB attenuation is alot for limiting. Instead of the limiter, you could try a clipper. 'A clipper basically lops off any transient that reaches the set threshold so that the wave form is "flat topped" at its highest points. Where as some digital limiter algorithms can "rescale" the audio so that the wave form doesn't get flat topped (at least as dramatically) even as average level is increased'.

My normal chain goes EQ>COMP>Stereo Widener>L1 (to around -7dB threshold)> Clipper
Beneath_The_Bliss, I've used the T-Racks clipper in place of the l3 before just messing around with it. I didnt really know the best way to go about using it in that way. Hard or soft knee, or a nice spot in the middle? Idk I always jsut get strange results with it.

OneDaySky, It's hitting at about -4.5 db, but once I compress it hits wayyy lower like -15. I usually use the make up gain on the comp to bring it to where it's hitting almost right at -6db before the L3. I feel like when it comes down to it my MIXES sound really good, but I think with my mastering I'm just doing too much.
-6db with limiter is too much. In ozone you should set the maximizer to clipping and it should be pretty easy to get your loudness.
Okay first off. Why are you using tape saturation? Just because its there doesn't mean it needs to be used. That will eat the FUCK out of headroom for limiting. I'd personally use the SSL comp with a 30ms attack, but that's just me. I usually get it going around 2dB of GR. Before, and after the comp i'd run a stage of clipping. On G clip I usually just set it to eat up the extreme peaks that will trigger your compressor. hard knee. Usually it's on the snare so the clip isn't audible at all. And, if you're ever having problems getting it loud, chances are you have too many subs in your mix, as a general rule.
If all your peaks are controlled on the individual tracks and group/aux tracks you shouldn't be having to do much on the master, but the fact that you say its pumping means you got high peaks still hitting the 2 buss. On your drums try putting G-clip on in 2 stages with 2x Oversampling. first one just to catch the high peaks, then the 2nd one to even it out more. Possibly try this on all your shells then in a group track of the shells put another instance of G-clip. Use all instances of G-clip lightly though (I dont even touch the gain knob, just soft-clipping knob)

If you got VU meters to reference on, they should be moving only slightly before the 2 buss is put on.
I referenced one of joeys's Attila mixes to mine with a PAZ analyzer and the RMS is hitting at pretty close to -8 the whole time. Every time I master something it's always jumping between like -2 and -6 RMS constantly. Is that because I still have too many peaks? Right now I have just 3 busses, Guitar, Bass and Drums. Their all limited and my mix is hitting at about 3db with the 2 buss off.
Why are you mastering so loud?
I mean, peaking high is pretty normal with vocals, but with just instruments? That's completely bizarre. Is it peaking when snare hits come? The snare doesn't need to be ridiculous loud you know.
Usually if i'm having trouble reaching the -8RMS it's either because of my peaks or there's something wrong in the low end of my mix.
Something about the guitars in that mix sounds really strange, gotet. I can't put my finger on it, I think they may have too much widening and not enough mids. Definitely got some clipping going on. When I master, I get everything peaking at around -6 RMS, then I run my mastering chain like this: SSLcomp, C4 to control low-end, ozone for EQ/limiter/clipper.
How is your mix peaking at -6 RMS though? My mixes are usually wayyyyy lower than that, even when I'm trying to mix a little more hot.