MASTERPLAN - Aeronautics ... some of you will drool


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
so after reading a very positive review on Blabermouth ... decided to investigate further as they normally do not give out high marks at all.
not being a big power metal fan and certainly not a Helloween fan ... i downloaded this.

what a fucking album !!!! Holy crap ... the singer is like ... whoa !!! JK and Papa Josh will absolutely cream their pants over this and I am sure most of you will as well.

It needs a few spins to sink in ... but when it does it is pure bliss ... no cheesy dragon or rabbitt lyrics ... but rather conventional stuff ...

can't say there is any filler on this, but there are some tracks like Falling Sparrow, Black in the Burn and Into the Arena that are just masterpieces.

I am on the second spin already of the complete record in the last hour
Have to disagree. I'm a big fan of Power Metal, and a big fan of Jorn, but this is generic Power Metal that doesn't need to be heard a second time. To my ear, it's not even as good as the debut (which wasn't impressive), not nearly as good as Jorn's "Worldchanger", and shouldn't be spoken about in the same breath as anything Ark recorded.

Jorn... please patch things up with Tore.

I remember loving Burn The Sun a couple of years ago while I was discovering a lot of things . Now , it's not that great but Jorn Lande wastes his talent in Masterplan . Ark & Beyond Twilight are the only bands he needs to play in (his album solo "Worldchanger" with Hellhammer is also good in the genre)
I have had this for a few weeks and I must say that so far the debut was way better, in my opinion.

I completely disagree with all of these putzes that say Jorn is wasting his talents though... Grapow and Kusch were the best thing about Helloween. The Dark Ride their best Andi Deris album IMO.
That's weird because The Dark Ride is 'ok' to me (I don't listen to this genre :) ) while Masterplan dosen't bring anything new .
That said , it's not shit , but does it match up Ark or Jorn in solo ? Nop ;)
Papa Josh said:
I completely disagree with all of these putzes that say Jorn is wasting his talents though...
I'm rubber, you're glue. Everything you say, bounces off me and sticks on to you.:loco:

Papa Josh said:
...Grapow and Kusch were the best thing about Helloween.
What Grapow and Kusch did or didn't do in Helloween has little bearing on the fact that Masterplan is dull, generic Power Metal.

i don't know as I am not familar with Ark and was never a big follower of Halloween either, so basically I am complete newbie to this band ... but this is some really good generic catchy memorable metal.
guess i was never overexposed to this genre so this sounds a bit fresh to me
If you're at all a fan of Progressive Metal, I'd highly recommend Ark's "Burn the Sun". It's very varied, and incredibly well played. If you like the current Masterplan, you might also want to check out their debut, as I think it's the better of the two.
