Will you be ashamed of metal when you become middle aged?

speed said:
Will I even want to listen to metal anymore? Metal is about angst, rebellion, power, aggression, musical talent, and the metal community. WIll I still be pissed off at the world, as I was as a teenager or young adult? I am sure I will be, but I most likely will be far more subtle about it, and will be far more accepting of the faults of the world, that I wont need metal to help anymore.
Nice thread! I'm 24, too, and have been thinking about this quite a lot. I guess that in some years I'll still be listening to stuff like Townsend, Opeth, Tool, Godflesh, Novembre but maybe turn away from the more aggressive/depressive stuff like Meshuggah/Neurosis. But currently I find myself even listening to more extreme stuff than a few years ago. I think a girlfriend would help a lot there... :grin:
But I think that the bands I mentioned above just have far too much musical quality and maturity to just be forgotten about.
I will never be ashamed of Metal Its why I'm here on this earth To listen,Live And Play METAL........
"The Gods Made Heavy Metal And They Saw That It Was Good They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell We Promised That We Would When The Losers Say Its Over We'll Know Thats A Lie Cause The Gods Made Heavy Metal And Its Never Gonna Die"
Man, I don't know what kind of girls you dudes are meeting, but I don't know that I've ever met a girl that wouldn't at least be able to deal with the fact that I listen to metal. Now if I run around the house with gauntlets, corpse paint, and a sword in an attempt to slay a dragon, it'd be a little more understandable that I'd have a hard time finding a chick. I think you guys are giving girls far too little credit. The majority are really not that shallow. And seriously, how could you stand being with a girl who is shallow enough to judge you by your music tastes?

And no, I will never be ashamed by the fact I listened to metal. I like to have fun and like to enjoy my life rather than live it with such a serious attitude that one day I will wake up and say, "Oh my God! I can't believe I listened to that mess! I was such a terrible person!" I'll always be able to look back on it and see how much I enjoyed it, and there's no reason for me to ever be ashamed of anything I enjoyl listening to as much as metal.

I was born in 1957 so do the math. I'm the one that turned my 15 yr old son and most of his friends onto metal. Being ashamed of what I listen to would be like me being ashamed of being half-Hawaiian. If you worry about what others think ya got some serious issues. I like classical, blues, celtic, and all types of music and groups that most people have never listened to. I turn people onto them and it doesn't make a rats ass if they like them or not. I also love to read which most people I work with just can't understand but i'm not stopping.
As for
will I be allowed to listen to metal, by my future wife if there is one, (yes it seems we men in this present age, have lost a few rights to women these days) surely the wife will argue that hearing such music cannot be good for the development of the child, and surely she will win this argument.
get real. Just because you're married does not mean you can't be you. I do things with and for my family but I also do things that i enjoy that no one else does. As for
will he have to crank up metal secretly in the basement?
my wife, son and I each have a room to get away to when we need to have our own time and yes I do rattle the windows if I feel the need.
If you're gonna be ashamed of getting old die now.
Whoa there people- Im merely posing hypothetical questions here- I obviously have no idea what I will be like when I am middle aged- or married. If you disagree with my hypo's fine- I probably will disagree with them in a few years.
there still is the question, are u a part of metal or is metal a part of who. in other words do u find urself defined by what u listen to. musicians in the metal genre would have a very hard time giving up metal when thier older because it is a part of them. others who appreaciate metal whould find it easier to give it up because of outside pressure, because it is not integral to thier life. there are some very good hypothetical ideas flying around here but change is uncontrollable and you should always do what benifits u personally. Who know metal in the next 20 years will be the "in" thing and you will be praised for listening to it. and ur children will say, "man i wish i was born in the 20th century, so i can see all those sweet bands"
Heh, true heavy metal will never be considered in or cool. You think everyone will be headbanging to Obituary :lol:? It never was the in thing unless you include hair and nu-metal that is. That's a whole different story.
Ashamed of metal?! Fuck no! I am 18, and although I could never see myself even slightly disowning metal, I could possibly see myself listening to a lot more jazz and classical music when I am older... however music is very important to me, I am absolutely addicted to metal, therefore I could never imagine not listening to metal, much less being ashamed of metal. And I am also a very independent/anti-social person, so other people's opinions and views really have no effect on me. I am very much my own person and have never relied on the social aspects of life, which is probably what makes most people compromise themselves, knowingly or unknowingly, because people tend to adapt to their surroundings.
I've thought about this alot.. I don't think I'll give up listening to metal easily. Though, I've thought that when you get older and you listen to metal, you're more likely to be embarassed to say you listen to it. I'm in my teens, and in some ways, its accepted more that you listen to metal. Though most people think its a 'phase'. When youre older though, wouldn't you get looked down on more if you listen to metal? I know of a few people who are married and who have families, and are banned from playing any form of metal in the house. Hope that won't happen to me anyway. Though I don't think I would do that for anyone. If someone wants to understand you/loves you, wouldn't they accept everything - including your music taste - about you?

Rambling :/