Will you still listen to metal when you are older?

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you probably didn't even understand my words...
The only reason you started this thread was a futile attempt to irritate other people, fellow metallers do not irritate each other, they respect each other, if you would've been there in the eighties, you'd know that...

that only leads me to one conclusion, you don't have and will never have what it takes to be METAL
Well said, calantak.

I hope when I'm 30, I'll still stick to my metal-ness.

Who knows, in college, I could turn jazz. But at least I like the metal now.

Age shouldn't matter. If it did, then so would gender and race. Then, as a species, we would know we were fucked.
calantak said:
you probably didn't even understand my words...
The only reason you started this thread was a futile attempt to irritate other people, fellow metallers do not irritate each other, they respect each other, if you would've been there in the eighties, you'd know that...

that only leads me to one conclusion, you don't have and will never have what it takes to be METAL

Now YOU are attempting to irritate me. Hypocrite. Idiot. Liberal.
albie633 said:
Now YOU are attempting to irritate me. Hypocrite. Idiot. Liberal.
hypocrite : nope, all I say, is what is on my mind, and I stand behind it.
idiot : quite unlikely, kid.
liberal : I prefer the word capitalist, care to try one of my totalling 900 bhp garage-fillings? :) (and that is a direct opportunity for you to reply on moeha =) )

on topic : I happen to know more metalfreaks above 30 than below, end of discussion, you're no match for me.
Metal is music, and music is a form of art. Art is enjoyed by people of all ages, sex, religion, race, ect ect. So metal can be also.
Dear albie633,

I am 16 now. I have no idea whether I'll still like the same stuff when I'm over 25, but what I do know is I don't listen to metal due to 'teen angst' or 'anger' of any sort really.

Personally, I don't see what anger has to do with why someone would listen to a certain music genre - I listen to music I enjoy.

Your comments about certain genres being immature does not even credit a response, so I won't give it one.

Speaking of which, nor does your comment about the musicianship of metal bands.

You suck.

Answer this - why are you here ([subtle reminder] ultimatemetal.com[/subtle reminder]), and yet you say metal is...

- not an art
- unskilled
- immature
- simply fuelled by anger


Just don't bother posting here in future.
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