Will you still listen to metal when you are older?

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This guy is just trolling. If he even listened to Maiden, he would realize that the lyrics have nothing to do with being angry. Most have to do with some historical event or story. The only really sad thing is, he might be serious.
albie633 said:
Metal is sometimes not angry true but it is alot of the times. It has aot do with fantasy so angst ridden kids can escape their angered filled real lifes. Metal is the most popular music you can go everyewhere and find fans because everyone young person likes metal because it reflects their inner angr and despair. Metal is a great money maker. If I started a band it would be a metal band so I could get rich.

albie633 said:
I also said metal lyrics were about fantasy

No, you did not. You said, "It has aot to do with fantasy so angst ridden kids can escape their angered filled real lifes."

Now, while I ignore the horrible grammer of you posts I shall point out that you still go back to the angst. You are indeed ignorant. Please tell me why Blind Guardian would write an entire album about the world of Middle-Earth so angsty teenagers can escape their real lives? It makes me wonder if you were sodomized as a child and you just happened to find a metal album so as to escape from the pain of your bleeding anus. Thus your continued association with Metal and angst.

Also, I would like to ask you if you have ever been to an Iron Maiden concert? As far as I recall, the majority of the audience was composed of people over the age of twenty-five.
Abou said:
No, you did not. You said, "It has aot to do with fantasy so angst ridden kids can escape their angered filled real lifes."

Now, while I ignore the horrible grammer of you posts I shall point out that you still go back to the angst. You are indeed ignorant. Please tell me why Blind Guardian would write an entire album about the world of Middle-Earth so angsty teenagers can escape their real lives? It makes me wonder if you were sodomized as a child and you just happened to find a metal album so as to escape from the pain of your bleeding anus. Thus your continued association with Metal and angst.

Also, I would like to ask you if you have ever been to an Iron Maiden concert? As far as I recall, the majority of the audience was composed of people over the age of twenty-five.

He's got you albie. And he's got you with only one band. There are thousands of others that are the same way. You wanna talk oyur way out of thousands of associations?

Wait, you're a troll, nevermind, of course you will.
MightyDrynwhyl said:
:lol::lol::lol: goddamnit this has gone beyond the point of comical. why albie bothers continuing his "crusade" is beyond intelligence...its rather funny though

I do not think he realizes we get a kick out of flaming him. :lol:
I planely said that metal was about fnatasy. If I didnt then I must have forgot and I do now. BG as well as other write fantasy shit so teens can escape their real lives and live in a dream world.

Your not to smrat our you?

HAHAHAHAHa youre a fucking retard, you must not know what teenagers are like these days. most teenagers are trying so hard to fit in someplace, they dont care about music, most kids admit to liking music b/c of the clothes, just look at the average korn bitch. not all metal is depressed, angry, or fantasy, just look at Death's "Sound of Perseverance" album, listen to it and tell me it has either of those qualities. what about experimental bands like ...andOceans? those guys sure as hell arent angry, sad, and they dont have much fantasy traits either. all in all your point is very unclear and nobody understands why you bother anymore.

oh and by the way, no im not too "smrat" :lol:
hell yea, i'll be listning when i'm 35(never ever been thinking of anything farther into the future then that...). it definetly feels like so at the moment. but, what do you now? it would be tragic hovewer to start listning to shit again. :hypno:
I am 31 and still enjoy metal next to other music genres. The only difference that I can see since I was younger, is my personal outfit and apearance (clothing, hair etc.), and that also has a lot to do with the job, your development of taste, and maybe your partner. Also when you´re older you might get more tolerant (if that is the right word here) and open to other genres, that is why it might seem that people > 25 (to use your age-limit) listen to less metal. And in the end that is probably right, because you only have a certain time a day to listen to metal because of job, family and other music genres you suddenly also enjoy. But that is only pro-other things and not against metal as a genre.

I agree that getting into metal is often a thing of being cool, tough different, and a little rebell (in my case it was the Kiss masks, I had no idea about the music but wanted to have the Dynasty album because of the cover, and I got it for christmas - I was 10). That is what you want to be when you´re 10, 12 or 14. Pretty normal I would say. Comes time you maybe really start enjoying the music, but then you are more selective and don´t just buy every shit that just calls itself dark, brutal, evil or whatever, you lay more stress on the music. For me that are bands like Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Voivod, Kiss, Thin Lizzy, Accept, Dio, Scorpions etc. and from the newer bands Brainstorm. That is pretty much all I still listen to, although I have hundreds of other metal LPs and CDs. These bands I listen regularly (every day in the car) and still buy the latest albums.
Metal is not an age question, you just get more selective.
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