Will you still listen to metal when you are older?

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MightyDrynwhyl said:
albie633: you have no point at all...and your being repetitive and making me repetitive so just give up. metal is popular b/c its a world thing, a very underground world thing, techno is more popular

You just contradicted yourself. Its undegorind AND popular? Thats stupid. Metal is the most popualr muic.
MightyDrynwhyl said:
steel stuff? look most kids with jobs are ghetto bitches b/c they need money to buy blingbling to look cool.

lets see, pop, rock, techno(all its forms), hip-hop, and punk are all much more popular than metal is

racist nazi. I lose respect for you.

All those genres are not moe poplar than metal. I can name 50 metal bands for every band I could name in that genre.
albie633 said:
Tell me...what genres are more popular than metal?

Whatever is easily accessible to the masses. That is what is popular. Therefore, "tr00" Underground Metal is not the most popular genre. It's actually far from it.
hmm, I think the original post is not relevant at all. I have met many people over 25 who are into metal. A large number of the musicians making metal are over 25.

I am 21 and i am not angry or anything I just love metal.
I'll most likely listen to it when I'm older. Hell, my mom is almost 50 and she listens to death metal.
albie633 said:
Thats incorrect. They continue to play metal becaause it sells. Metal isnt art. Its just loud pop music. It has the catchines of pop but it is angry and appeals to pissed off kids.

Rich metal musicians...

Black Sabbath
Judas Priest
Iron Maiden
In Flames

HA HA HA HA AH AHAH! ANthrax! Jesus what fucking world are you living on, Emperor quit because they thought they couldn't take their music any futher and because they thought they might be getting too popular, is that out to make money, but seriously don't answer, I would like to see this thread go down too.
This is the most obvious troll I have ever seen and you guys took the bait admirably. Of course the author of this thread has no real point, the things he says are so obviously the opposite of the truth that it is kind of silly to respond in a serious manner.
albie633 said:
Metal is a genre for teenagers and some people under 25. It is angry and reflects teen angst. Will any of you listen to metal when you get past 25? You will not be angry by then and even if you are you will be mature. Do you know anyone who listens to metal that is past 25? I love metal now but I know I wount listen to it when I get past 25. I will not be angry anymore and I will be mature. If I am still into music I will probably listen to some bands like Phish or something that have real talent. Lets be honest metal bands dont have any real musicianship and the only reason we youngsters like them is because they feed our feelings of youthful rage.

Well trolled, that man.
It pisses me off when people start talking about growing up and stop listening to metal. I dont know where to begin so I wont start arguing about that here, I just want to say that I think I will be listening to metal my entire life and if I for some reason stop listening to it it will surley not be because I have grown up.

Hehe, I cant wait to the day I for the first time get into a music discussion with my son/daughter and dig out my old Black Metal albums. "Now this is the old school shit, this is what I listend to when I was your age... back when people burned chruces and killed eachoter in the name of Satan and evilness" And then I will play A Blaze In The Northern Sky for him/her
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