Masterplan, debut or Aeronautics

The Fiddler said:
I certainly have to agree about some of the lyrics, but I still love Aeronautics. It gets a 9/10 from me. Knocked one point off for the lyric cheese. Once you notice those lyrics, they never seem to go un-noticed on future listens. DOH!!!! I don't have the debut, how does it differ from Aeronautics? I'm guessing it has more of a speedy, formulated, generic European metal/Helloween/Gamma Ray repititous melody-killing double-bass vibe to it, but could be way off. No, I don't own any Gamma Ray.

Jorn's solo CD is my favorite of his efforts. No cheese in that one, or at least none that I could easily smell. Can't wait for the USA release for, "The Duke".

Which Jorn solo CD? Because 'Rock Spirit' from his last CD had some of the most ridiculous lyrics ever. :yuk:
batmura said:
First off, I'm a big fan of all the members in Masterplan and was quite pleased when they'd joined forces. That said, I've yet to hear an album from them that is on par with their last albums before they formed Masterplan.
This is certainly true where Jorn is concerned. While in Ark, he was in one of the finest bands on the planet. Now he's wasting his talents in what is an uninteresting, unoriginal and uninspired AOR flavored Power Metal band. The debut had some decent songs on it. I especially liked the one about the Nissan SUV. However, overall, I found both CDs to be rather disappointing.

the debut is better than Aeronautics IMO.

that said,
Ark - Burn The Sun is faaaaaaar better.
Jørn's solo cds are pretty good as well.
Allen/Lande is a 10/10 for me.
I would rate Ark as Jorn's best efforts ever. I would rate Beyond Twilight .. Devils Hall Of Fame, and Masterplan's debut next. The solo stuff would be after that, and Allen Lande would bring up the rear, alongside of Masterplan's Aeronautics. I like the proggier, and more agressive Jorn the best.

I've had Aeronautics since last April and the debut for just over a week now. I really enjoy the polished and melodic sound of Aeronautics, but would have to vote the s/t debut as my favorite. The s/t disc isn't limited to the concept CD theme so the songs are much more varied in their sound and Jorn is much more aggressive on the debut, which I really like. Aeronautics is like a two-course meal, while the s/t debut is more like a five-course affair. That said though, Aeronautics was a top 5 for me in 2005. Can't wait to hear some of both come September!