Mastodon. End of.


Full Time Metalhead
Feb 6, 2006
So I first heard Mastodon when their video for March of the Fire Ants was played on Headbanger's Ball. At first I was sort of confused at where these guys were coming from but as they released more songs I began to get more into them and I came to be quite a regular listener.

However, I never really put them at the front of my mind in my constant search for new listening material. With my birthday coming up I was torn between several CD's my sister could buy me.. then I suddenly thought "I've always wanted to hear more Mastodon" and so I downloaded their album Remission to see if it was worth the purchase.

Fuck me, it is. What can I say about this band? It's some of the cleverest music I've ever heard and definately the most intelligent and innovative metal I've heard in a LONG time. I've just finished listening to the album, and it's 1:08 am so I'm off to bed, but I've downloaded their "Leviathan" release too (I LOVE good concept albums) which I will listen to tomorrow.

If you haven't listened to these guys properly yet, do it. If you're into them etc then discuss them on this thread. I just thought I'd share my experience with the rest of you metal folk.
I really despise this band. I don't enjoy it at all. Glad you've found something you like though :)
I like them. they definetly have a unique style which is cool. Granted I liked them better when I saw them live. Mainly because I was really high and I was tripping like a motherfucker. Anyways, I also think their artwork is pretty neat. Not a favorite of mine though, just a "good bandl."
They just got signed to Warner Brothers, so they are going to be all over the place. I really enjoy Remission and Leviathon, although Remission is much better than Leviathon.
Yeah, you scared me a bit.

I enjoyed both albums, but Leviathan moreso. Unfortunately, neither album had a lot of staying power to me. I thought they were great for two or three weeks, then never gave them much thought. Great live band though. And Hearts Alive doesn't get boring; what a song!

I don't have high hopes for the new one, but I hope I'm proven wrong.
They're alright. They were over-hyped for a time and I just tried and tried to really like them and couldn't, though it's better than most of the mainstream shit out there and way more original. I have both "Remission" and "Leviathan". They rarely get a listen from me, but I'll be sure to check out their new one anyway.
I'm going to see this band live (despite the fact i've never listened to a song by them)... well actualy I'm going to go see Slayer, Lamb of God, Children of Bodom, and Thine Eyes Bleed, and they happen to be their to, but still, I'm going to see them :D
Impudent said:
They're alright. They were over-hyped for a time and I just tried and tried to really like them and couldn't, though it's better than most of the mainstream shit out there and way more original. I have both "Remission" and "Leviathan". They rarely get a listen from me, but I'll be sure to check out their new one anyway.

What the fuck are you talking about? How is Mastodon mainstream?
Amarantus said:
What the fuck are you talking about? How is Mastodon mainstream?

They have there videos played on MTV and whatnot, quite a few non-metal fans have heard of them, that's how.
On the the topic of Mastodon, I've always found this band interesting, they seem to appeal to both metalcore fans and fans of the more extreme metal genres. As for albums, it's a close one, but I just about prefer Remission.
imo, Mastodon only has a few songs worth listening to.

The 13 minute track on their Leviathan album; Hearts Alive. Also Elephant man from Remission.

Most of their other short tracks are forgettable.
No lasting appeal but ok band. Remission crushes 100 times more than Leviathan. Check out Taint, they're better IMO.