Mastodon. End of.

Killbot said:
They have there videos played on MTV and whatnot, quite a few non-metal fans have heard of them, that's how.
On the the topic of Mastodon, I've always found this band interesting, they seem to appeal to both metalcore fans and fans of the more extreme metal genres. As for albums, it's a close one, but I just about prefer Remission.


So by default, anyone played on MTV is mainstream. That's pretty funny because I remember seeing a few death metal videos and alot of obscure bands played on Headbanger's Ball. So they must be mainstream now. well known by alot of non-metal fans but that doesn't make them "mainstream." They are not religiously played on the radio, in the billboard top 100 or on MTV constantly. I think you and impudent need to get your definition of "mainstream" straightened out.
Amarantus said:

So by default, anyone played on MTV is mainstream. That's pretty funny because I remember seeing a few death metal videos and alot of obscure bands played on Headbanger's Ball. So they must be mainstream now. well known by alot of non-metal fans but that doesn't make them "mainstream." They are not religiously played on the radio, in the billboard top 100 or on MTV constantly. I think you and impudent need to get your definition of "mainstream" straightened out.

As I mentioned, there are other factors, such as them being slightly easier to listen to for a non-metal fan. Also, when using the word mainstream in a metal context it's meaning is not exactly the same as if you were using it in the context of pop bands. So although Mastodon may not be particularly mainstream in terms of where they come in charts or whether they're played on radio, in terms of metal, they are definitely one of the most mainstream.
Next album is going to have a collab. with Cedric and Ikey from The Mars Volta, need I say more?

(btw I think it's great, since you're probably a moron)
Killbot said:
As I mentioned, there are other factors, such as them being slightly easier to listen to for a non-metal fan. Also, when using the word mainstream in a metal context it's meaning is not exactly the same as if you were using it in the context of pop bands. So although Mastodon may not be particularly mainstream in terms of where they come in charts or whether they're played on radio, in terms of metal, they are definitely one of the most mainstream.

Bro...there is no such thing as a "metal context" in the english language. If you wish to claim that a band is more "popular" or "easier to listen to" then yes that can be understood and is a fact. Using the word mainstream in this "context" is bad english. It's like saying, "lemme axe u sumtin!" Bad grammar, bad english. Lemme, u, and sumtin are not words. Just like "metal context" does not exist.

Another example would be like, I'll use Slayer for an example once more, calling Slayer nu-metal. It's just not true. Granted Diabolus in Musica and and GHUA sucks major chode.
Amarantus said:
Bro...there is no such thing as a "metal context" in the english language. If you wish to claim that a band is more "popular" or "easier to listen to" then yes that can be understood and is a fact. Using the word mainstream in this "context" is bad english. It's like saying, "lemme axe u sumtin!" Bad grammar, bad english. Lemme, u, and sumtin are not words. Just like "metal context" does not exist.

Another example would be like, I'll use Slayer for an example once more, calling Slayer nu-metal. It's just not true. Granted Diabolus in Musica and and GHUA sucks major chode.

Of course you can say in a metal context, they are both words that form a phrase that makes perfect sense, unlike lemme and u, which are not words, thus making your example completely irrelevant. The meaning of mainstream can be adjusted if used in different contexts, in the same way that you could say 'that calculator is huge!' and make sense because you are referring to it in the context of calculators, but when in the scale of all objects it may not actually be that big. I was saying that in the scale of metal, Mastodon are a mainstream band, when in the scale of all bands, they are not very mainstream.
Impudent said:
They were on Ozzfest! How are they not mainstream?

so was slayer...does that make them bad?

christ...just because they have videos on mtv too doesn't mean they are that mainstream...hell hate eternal has vids on mtv...they suck but they aren't mainstream
Spirit In Black said:
so was slayer...does that make them bad?

christ...just because they have videos on mtv too doesn't mean they are that mainstream...hell hate eternal has vids on mtv...they suck but they aren't mainstream
I didn't fucking say they were bad. I said they are mainstream, in the metal sense.
Amarantus said:

So by default, anyone played on MTV is mainstream. That's pretty funny because I remember seeing a few death metal videos and alot of obscure bands played on Headbanger's Ball. So they must be mainstream now. well known by alot of non-metal fans but that doesn't make them "mainstream." They are not religiously played on the radio, in the billboard top 100 or on MTV constantly. I think you and impudent need to get your definition of "mainstream" straightened out.
They too are mainstream metal. Every metalhead knows of them. When I say mainstream, I don't mean like fucking Britney Spears or some shit. More people have heard of bands like Slayer, Lamb of God, Mastodon, etc., than say a band like Toxic Holocaust. Go to any Hot Topic and ask a random kid if they know who Slayer, Mastodon, or Lamb of God is and 99% of the time they will know them. But ask them if they know Toxic Holocaust, Reverend Bizarre, or hell, even Bathory and most will not know.
Perhaps you should use a different word or words instead of "mainstream" because most of the time someone is going to react or think how I and others did. Using the word mainstream in any shape or form dealing with metal is just absurd. That's all I was trying to point out.
in order for a band to be "mainstream", they must be easy to understand. linkin park is "mainstream" because their music is 0% "challenge" and 100% "hook", a hook being something that even a 5 year old could comprehend and repeat after only a few listens. mastodon's music does not contain this quality.

i think they're one of the most misunderstood bands around these days, since 90% of the people who like them and 99% of the people who don't really have little idea of what it is the band are trying to do.
The Timebird said:
Mastodon?! What a load of cunting bollocks!

I was going to add a somewhat more eloquent rebuttal of their talent, but really, Timebird has said it all rather succinctly:kickass: