Mastodon. End of.

Amarantus said:
Perhaps you should use a different word or words instead of "mainstream" because most of the time someone is going to react or think how I and others did. Using the word mainstream in any shape or form dealing with metal is just absurd. That's all I was trying to point out.

Alright, maybe mainstream is the wrong word, but we can all agree they are still more popular than the majority of extreme metal bands.
I've listened to Remission several times over the years since it came out since they've been praised by so many people. While it does make for an interesting listen and I can't really write it off completely (it's kind of cool how the drummer often seems to careen completely out of control and then land right back into the groove), it never really grabbed me in any significant way.
Post_Scriptum said:
Next album is going to have a collab. with Cedric and Ikey from The Mars Volta, need I say more?

(btw I think it's great, since you're probably a moron)
That's pretty mad, it would be an amazing combination though. I love The Mars Volta, DITC is one of the best modern albums I've ever heard.

And thanks for assuming I'm a moron by the way :)
Teh Grimarse said:
in order for a band to be "mainstream", they must be easy to understand. linkin park is "mainstream" because their music is 0% "challenge" and 100% "hook", a hook being something that even a 5 year old could comprehend and repeat after only a few listens. mastodon's music does not contain this quality.

i think they're one of the most misunderstood bands around these days, since 90% of the people who like them and 99% of the people who don't really have little idea of what it is the band are trying to do.
What are they trying to do?
Devour said:
I made the mistake of buying their "Leviathan" record because i had never heard them before... they suck.
Why did you buy it if you never heard them?
Actually, I buy CDs too without hearing the band, but only if I've heard good things about them.