Matt Barlow leaves ICED EARTH !!!

yeah they will stay around,but really Matt was a very powerful singer,he could do emotion and raw singing.that's not something a lot of vocalists can do.
I am sure gonna miss his voice on the next album and his stage presence must have been truly awesome.
I think Jon is good,but Matt's singing is what got me into IE with Dark Saga
Jon, if you're reading this, get Eric Hawk! from the second i read of Matt's departure [ok, well i just sat in amazement.. speechless.. for the first few minutes], i thought that Eric Hawk would be the perfect substitute for Matt. Matt Barlow is one of the reason's i'm a vocalist. He is one of the most talented [THE most talented in my opinion] vocalists of all time. it'll be hard to listen to new iced earth without him, but iced earth must move on. Best wishes to Matt on his future endeavors, too.
This is a nightmare!! I wish I could get a hold of Matt somehow.The guy is such an emotional singer, and unfortunately is being led by his emotions and not reason. Matt you have a gift, your a singer, a great one. The best in heavy metal today. Don't throw it away. Your affect on your fans, although as Jon said may be an allusion, with no impact on the REAL world, but it's what you do in this life. Don't throw it all away because your on an emotional rollercoaster over 911. Talk to some people involved in the SYSTEM. The system being law enforcement, and government bureaucracy. If Jon thinks the music business is a fantasy, try being 1 person in a system that is unforgiving and disfunctional. I am not a govt. basher or U.S. basher, far from it. I am a former marine and have been a police officer for 15 years, I was at ground zero. It was a daunting sight, but it isn't reality either, its not an everyday occurance. I love Iced Earth, their music and Matt's vocals hit me like a ton of bricks when I first heard them. They have provided me with inspiration and hope, they introduced me to the underground world of Metal, as I was patiently waiting for Metallica to reinspire me, Ive been waiting since 1988. Im not trying to tell Matt what to do, I am not in his shoes, Jon tried to hold onto him to no avail. But Jon is a musician, and couldn't give Matt advice on the career he is pursuing. I can and I bet several other fans can who are cops or govt employees. All I can say is it's not a rewarding career if you get to emotionally involved in it. You will burn out. Follow your gift Matt, you inspire and influence more people in one show than you can working for Tom Ridge. You work for a guy who I respect more than anyone Ive ever met in my life. Jon Schaffer is following his lifelong dream a dream he has reasoned in his adult life to be an allusion, but he is going foward anyway staying true to himself and his music in the process. You won't find many if any people like Jon in life, and I hope Matt understands this in his pursuit of a govt. job. He won't meet anyone with Jon's integrity and drive. ell Im sorry about this post I have gotten a little carried away, but I wish I could mail this to Matt or at least talk to the guy about this. I gave up a dream to pusue my career, and as Jon said to Matt I have lived to regret my decision.
I'm not bashing the new material that Jon writes. I've heard too many good things from his songwriting to know already the new album is going to be killer. Or was.

My problem is that with Matt gone, unless they get one HELL of a singer, then it's seriously not going to be as interesting. I like the first 2 IE albums (the debut is one of my favs), but it can't hold a candle to barlow's voice, which is why Days of Purgatory get's more plays in my stereo then IE or Stormrider does.

Unless this is a Dave Mustaine move and Barlow rejoins in a year, I really wish that iced Earth would just call it quits. It's seriously not going to be easy replacing a singer, especially one with vocals as unique as Barlow's.
My heart broke when I heard the news.

Not even the departure of Megadeth made me feel this way.

Matt's so awesome and I truly thought he would sing with Iced Earth until Iced Earth was dead and buried.

Good luck, Matt, with your future plans.

Jon might do the songwriting, but Barlow made Iced Earth as much what it is in my mind, even tho he was listed under "everyone is replacable". His voice always had something that made it for me to listen to Iced Earth. As for the first two releases, I liked them very much, but not for the vocalists performing on them, I must say.
I mean fuck... law enforcement, homeland security:ill: instead of the band?
did he have family or friends that perished?

I´m going to Wacken this year in the 2nd of august, where they are headlining and they have to find a killer singer and guitarist or make their last show with Matt! I hope they don´t cancel it

It would be cool to have Eric Hawk, but the chances of that are slim, I think he's a bit "old" for that much dedication and he's recovering from cancer treatment

I would however like to see him in the band Dark Harvest
I am very disappointed, Matt was definately one of my favorite vocalists! For all the true I.E. fans, I think we should trust Jon and stick by Jon while he searches for another singer, after all he is the heart of the band. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This sucks!
I know Jon will keep writing great music, we all know he has the confidence and the creativity to keep making good stuff. But I haven't been this upset in awhile, Matt's voice is pretty much what got me into metal.
Alright Im better now. I was a little freaked out by the news, in shock. Then today I was pissed at Matt for leaving. Now Im over that, I re-read Jon's post on this matter and have full confidence that he can pull this off. Im gonna stop whining now, Matt is an adult and can make his own decisions and I hope and know he will be successful in whatever he does. Later
I've said it on other boards, but the thought of not hearing his stellar voice again, is pretty devastating.

I wish him the best, but this is a blow to know we'll most likely not hear him again. We can only hope that he'll come out some day....and do some more metal. Someday, I hope he will. He'll be missed, most definitely by myself, and many others.
I do see where he's coming from, however. I'm in the military as well as playing music, and when September 11th happened, I felt like for the first time in my entire life I was doing something worthwhile. I'm in a couple of bands, and although I'm only staying in the AF until I can be where I want to be and get out, when those jets crashed into the buildings, my whole outlook changed. I didn't think about music, I didn't think about anything else but doing my duty, and I knew it would come. My life revolves around music; everything I do in the military is just gearing me up for what I really want to do, and that's play music. However, it IS just an illusion. Unless you've been a part of something that has had an impact on something globally...I mean A MAJOR will never understand and fathom the seriousness and magnitude of it. All you know is what you see on television. I was in the AF before 9/11, and even then I began to get complacent, it was just a job.

The AF is just like a civilian job, as I'm sure icedsymphony will tell you, being a former marine. We are nothing like the other services, and there is some bitterness towards us because of that. We get paid more, live easier lives, get better benefits, don't have to put up with the bullshit...before 9/11 it almost seemed like a regular job. You went to work in the PT or any of that shit...checked your email, did your job for a bit, went to lunch, went back to work, then went home at 1630. Granted, my job is a little more operational than most, as I control jets through ground radar, but even then it's nothing compared to what the Army and Marines are going through. Anyway, what my point was before I got sidetracked was that all of that complacency stopped on 9/11, and you realized exactly why you were here on this earth right now, why you did the job you did, and what was expected of you. I've never felt that way before in my life...such clarity. Nothing else mattered...the only thing that mattered was that our country had just gotten attacked, and that we had to gear up for a counter-attack.

On the flip-side of all this is a very good point as well. This doesn't happen every single day. It's good for a while, but like everything else, it fades. You find yourself not in the GO! GO! GO! mindset, and when the dust settles, it kinda sinks in that although you've done your duty, it's back to square one. Back to doing the things you disliked, back to your old habits, back to complacency. So while I agree and support Matt's decision, he needs to listen to people who are on both sides of the river. Although I love my job and have done things that no one will ever get the chance to do, my real passion is my music. My military career is just a vessel to get me there. Keep paying me all that money here in Italy, while I have a blast with my Italian friends, play with my band, go to shows, buy a new guitar every month, and work up my chops so I can be in a position to get out and just play. I'll put money away to help me out, but I don't plan on doing this for the rest of my life. When you aren't that big of a music fan, it's ok to have a 9 to 5 job. It's ok to have that white picket fence with a wife and two kids. Not me. I don't want that. I don't want to work when I'm 30. I want to prepare myself NOW, while I'm still very young, invest in all I can, monetarily as well as musically, and follow my heart to where it

Matt will be back. He'll see that although the music industry is an illusion, he's grown accustomed to that way of life. In the real world, no one gives a fuck who you are or what you do, that's the bottom line. That's why it's a free's ok for them to dislike you for what you do. People who live lives of dreams and excess don't adjust very well to the lives of the rest of us.
I have to agree with Thrashmetal78. I too am in the AF and Im stationed in Germany. And like him, music is my passion as well. My room is slowly but surely becoming my recording studio and I live with music almost every minute of everyday. Also like him, things changed for me post 9/11. I am a Security Forces member and anyone who knows the AF knows that means I work a shitload. Ive never known a normal work schedule and sure as hell dont work 9-5 like a lot of people, but after 9/11 that didnt really matter much. I really dont care for the military myself as my heart is elsewhere but even I felt different after 9/11. I was walking into work as the first plane hit and Thrash is right, you do get into that GO!GO!GO! mindset. Ill be the first to admit I love it as it is one helluva rush! But when the dust settles and you see how much things havent really changed, you begin to go back to your old ways. i can totally understand Matt's decision. I know what it is like to do something that your heart is not into and I am getting out in 9 months. i would leave sooner but just like Matt, we are bound by contract as well. If his heart isnt in it, then he shouldnt do it. I wish he would change his mind, I truly do. However, it would be just as wrong for him to stay in Iced Earth if he doesnt believe in it as it would be for me to re-enlist. Instead, I say that I wish Matt the best on his journey. Will he find what he is looking for? I dont know. I know from the perspective of someone who has worked as a cop in the AF I sure as hell didnt. Its difficult to make a difference in the govt because of the structure of it all. However, I hope Matt has the drive and passion he had in Iced Earth in his new job. If he does then maybe he can do something that, if nothing else, makes him feel as though he has done something good. As for me, I am going to do the same. Im getting out and going to make music. And on that note, I will say that Im always gonna be an Iced Earth fan and a fan of good music everyone. Keep it going people!!!!!!!!
As someone who disagrees greatly with what Homeland Security is doing, I hope that Matt's idealism can bring the justice to at least a small part of that department that it desperately needs. I have the distinct feeling that, one way or another, he'll get disillusioned; what happens after that is anybody's guess. I hope Thrashmetal78 has it right, but the problem is that Matt probably won't get sick of it for a while, and Jon will find a new singer by then.

Then again, Matt in a different band...hmm...could be very, very cool.