Matt Barlow new pyramaze voice!!!

Most of the song is done in lower register

Ok, then, 'Travel in Stygian'. Or 'Dracula'. Those are pretty much all high stuff.

My understanding was that pretty much any male doing 'high-pitched' vocals is singing falsetto, some just do it more invisibly than others. But maybe I'm misinformed? Certainly Matt's falsetto isn't particularly smooth, and it's completely different voice than his chest voice, but he can hit the notes.

People must forget that Matt has already replaced a standard wailing heavy-metal singer (John Greely from 'Night of the Stormrider'), and the band did rather well after that. So I don't see why the change would cause any problems for Pyramaze at all.

My understanding was that pretty much any male doing 'high-pitched' vocals is singing falsetto, some just do it more invisibly than others. But maybe I'm misinformed? Certainly Matt's falsetto isn't particularly smooth, and it's completely different voice than his chest voice, but he can hit the notes.

Exactly. I know there are singers out there who have fantastic control over their voice, and can shift from falsetto to chest voice, climbing up and down, all day long.

Hmm.... Mr. King? Care to divulge the secrets to your success? :lol:
This is...this is...I'm really not even sure what to think. I mean, Barlow coming back is great, Pyramaze is awesome, and I'm glad they have a singer, but at the same time I can't really picture it either. I'm sure it'll be great. Hope anyway.

Is he still going to be a cop? What happened with that. Not what it was cracked up to be?
No once can fill lance's shoes in Pyramaze. Legen of the Bone Carver is one of my favorite albums ever. I would have hoped for someone like Urban or John K. How funny would that have been if Pyramaze picked up John K after he replaced Lance in BoP. Matt, as others have indicated, does not seem like a suitable replacement for this band's style of music. And I personally am not a Barlow fan; just don't see or hear for that matter what is so great about his voice.

Now I am looking forward to hearing the new BoP with Corey Brown since he seems like a perfect fit for the style of music that they compose. Time will tell. BoP for next years Prog Power!!!
Matt Barlow????? Good business move (Iced Earth fans are plentiful), AWFUL musical move, sorry to hear this. Is the new trend of power metal a sell out? Michael, I guess you "grew out of" high clean vocals? Barlow basically dogged out the prog metal scene in his statement. Pyramaze are sell outs man, but they will get many new fans to the ones they lose. It seems a lot of bands feel the need to get heavier, WHY??? What's wrong with the vocals on "BONECARVER" or Melancholy Beast" ???? PYRAMAZE will now be a run-of-the-mill metal band, I guarantee it, I'm bummed.:Puke:
Matt Barlow????? Good business move (Iced Earth fans are plentiful), AWFUL musical move, sorry to hear this. Is the new trend of power metal a sell out? Michael, I guess you "grew out of" high clean vocals? Barlow basically dogged out the prog metal scene in his statement. Pyramaze are sell outs man, but they will get many new fans to the ones they lose. It seems a lot of bands feel the need to get heavier, WHY??? What's wrong with the vocals on "BONECARVER" or Melancholy Beast" ???? PYRAMAZE will now be a run-of-the-mill metal band, I guarantee it, I'm bummed.:Puke:

Thanks for the support man. How is getting a new singer selling out? Don't forget the core of Pyramaze (the musicians) is still intact, in fact, it's our original line-up. Our goal is not to make a "heavier" album or to make any specific kind of album. We will make a good album to the best of our abilities, and believe me, financial gain is not our goal at all (why would we be playing metal then?). We asked Matt to join us because he is an amazing singer. Our number one choice in fact. It's a shame how quickly some metal fans are to throw out the "sell out" label. We will continue to progress and grow for the better, rest assured. We will never sacrifice our musical integrity for anyone or anything. Real Pyramaze fans know that we have never changed and never will.
Matt Barlow????? Good business move (Iced Earth fans are plentiful), AWFUL musical move, sorry to hear this. Is the new trend of power metal a sell out? Michael, I guess you "grew out of" high clean vocals? Barlow basically dogged out the prog metal scene in his statement. Pyramaze are sell outs man, but they will get many new fans to the ones they lose. It seems a lot of bands feel the need to get heavier, WHY??? What's wrong with the vocals on "BONECARVER" or Melancholy Beast" ???? PYRAMAZE will now be a run-of-the-mill metal band, I guarantee it, I'm bummed.:Puke:

How the hell have they sold out? You haven't heard any Pyramaze songs with Barlow on vocals. Matt's an extremely talented and versatile vocalist, you have no clue what he can or cannot do with Pyramaze's songs. If Pyramaze sold out, I guarantee you there would already be picutres of them with eyeliner all over Blabbermouth while Michael discusses the breakdown in their new metalcore-influenced album. They have done nothing of the sort. At least give the band a chance before you pass judgement.
Matt Barlow????? Good business move (Iced Earth fans are plentiful), AWFUL musical move, sorry to hear this. Is the new trend of power metal a sell out? Michael, I guess you "grew out of" high clean vocals? Barlow basically dogged out the prog metal scene in his statement. Pyramaze are sell outs man, but they will get many new fans to the ones they lose. It seems a lot of bands feel the need to get heavier, WHY??? What's wrong with the vocals on "BONECARVER" or Melancholy Beast" ???? PYRAMAZE will now be a run-of-the-mill metal band, I guarantee it, I'm bummed.:Puke:

Jonah already made a very good reply to this post, but i feel more needs to be said here, since some of my motives and my taste towards the vocals on MB and LOTBC are being questioned.

When you've been creating/listening to metal music for as long as i have, it's only natural that ones taste goes through some kind of evolvement. This does not mean that i don't like high clean vocals, and it certainly doesn't mean that there's something wrong with the vocal performance on 'Melancholy Beast' or 'Bonecarver'. I'm proud of the music and the vocals that we've created on both albums, and I've never said anything else! I stated in my interview with the Rock Hard magazine that i would like to take the vocals in a more raw (but yet melodic) direction. I already asked Lance to sing the 'Bonecarver' a bit more aggressive than what he did on 'Melancholy', so this is nothing new, we only take it one step further with Matt's fantastic voice.

As for your comment towards Matt's statement of us being more than Progmetal, he only meant that Pyramaze can not (and will not in the future) be labelled as a progmetal band, simply because our style is not limited to prog. This was by no means a slam on pure prog metal.

Matt joining Pyramaze has NOTHING to do with being a business move. We got Matt because he is one of the most kickass metal singers that I've ever heard, and may i add a fantastic person. If i wanted to make a good business move i would cut my hair, shave of my beard, hire Christina Aguilera and go pop!! (which is easier to write and play anyways) Pyramaze is not about the dollars, we are all about the music and the best possible product.

Besides, the sell out comment is just so far out, that i can't even comprehend it.......

Michael Kammeyer

If bringing Matt Barlow aboard constitutes "selling out", then I'll be first in line for the band's autograph session at my local Hot Topic.
Then you're going to have to get in line early. I suspect there will be herds of Limp Bizkit and Korn fans, willing to sleep outside Hot Topic, now that Barlow is in the band. You have to figure, after their tour opening for Bullet for my Valentine, an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and their performance at next year's Grammys, their going to be huge.

A question for the Pyramaze guys... when will Matt be flying to Denmark to learn all the new dance moves?

To Michael and Jonah..........You are right, my post was made because I jumped to my own conclusion. I apologize to Pyramaze. In all fairness I need to hear the music before stating an opinion, HOWEVER, I still feel Lance represents the voice of Pyramaze and fairly so, he recorded 2 successful cd's with you. I will leave the thread alone by saying .......Pyramaze is a great band and I don't want to see ICED EARTH part 2 that's all. I feel Pyramaze is Pyramaze, not a Matt Barlow project. Keep your identity in tact guys and please stay true to YOUR cause. Jonah, as for your first comment about the support, I'm sorry, I'll always be a fan.
Real Pyramaze fans know that we have never changed and never will.

You got that right Jonah! I personally love Matt and Pyramaze so coming together is a dream come true for me. No matter what you do people will have an opinion, but the real fans will still be 100% behind you. Jeers to you naysayers!!!! Wait until the new CD comes out next year before you make any judgment~
For the record, this will definitely NOT be Iced Earth 2. Jon Schaffer controlled IE and Michael is the main writer for Pyramaze so don't worry.
To Michael and Jonah..........You are right, my post was made because I jumped to my own conclusion. I apologize to Pyramaze. In all fairness I need to hear the music before stating an opinion, HOWEVER, I still feel Lance represents the voice of Pyramaze and fairly so, he recorded 2 successful cd's with you. I will leave the thread alone by saying .......Pyramaze is a great band and I don't want to see ICED EARTH part 2 that's all. I feel Pyramaze is Pyramaze, not a Matt Barlow project. Keep your identity in tact guys and please stay true to YOUR cause. Jonah, as for your first comment about the support, I'm sorry, I'll always be a fan.

***btw....ROCKY BALBOA is also /inner peace. i have 2 accounts, 1 home, 1 at my parents.........just to clarify
If bringing Matt Barlow aboard constitutes "selling out", then I'll be first in line for the band's autograph session at my local Hot Topic.


Yeah, no shit! :rolleyes: Selling out would be: weakening their sound, getting a vocalist that sings through his nose, and playing down tuned three chords in every song. In conclusion, recruiting Matt Barlow as your new vocalist is far from selling out. :lol:

In all fairness I need to hear the music before stating an opinion, HOWEVER, I still feel Lance represents the voice of Pyramaze and fairly so, he recorded 2 successful cd's with you.

I think you are completely wrong here. Lance is a bit like Jorn... he has like 1000 projects he has been involved with. With someone like that, how can you pigeonhole them to a single band? I am more than thrilled with the addition of the "god among men" that is Matt Barlow. :rock:
Matt Barlow????? Good business move (Iced Earth fans are plentiful), AWFUL musical move, sorry to hear this. Is the new trend of power metal a sell out? Michael, I guess you "grew out of" high clean vocals? Barlow basically dogged out the prog metal scene in his statement. Pyramaze are sell outs man, but they will get many new fans to the ones they lose. It seems a lot of bands feel the need to get heavier, WHY??? What's wrong with the vocals on "BONECARVER" or Melancholy Beast" ???? PYRAMAZE will now be a run-of-the-mill metal band, I guarantee it, I'm bummed.:Puke:

Classless, clueless, baseless and opinionated posts such as this (not to mention countless) are exactly why there will never be an official forum endorsed by Iced Earth. The band and its' associates simply don't have the time or patience to defend their integrity (and the facts) from attacks by annonymous posters (or is it, "poseurs") who hide behind aliases. There are plenty of places on the internet for such individuals to spit their venom, but an official forum endorsed by Iced Earth will not be one of them.

The Fiddler ( webmaster).