"Mature" Rock Bands

Adrian said:
Paul Simon rules. Graceland destroys the corns on my toes.
I haven't listened to that for five or six years...I really should dig out that tape again. I liked the first three songs on that album, never bothered to listen to the rest.

As the new PowerQuest album I am listening to right now has a more commercial efge to the debut, I suggest this for Mature Rock instead of anything else I would mention.

I totally forgot about these dudes that nobody knows about. No frills and no real innovation just GOOD rock music. They had a Headbanger's Ball hit in the early 90's with Sold My Fortune (sounds like Sold My Futon).
Porcupine Tree
The Mars Volta
Franz Ferdinand
The Allman Brothers- hadto stick in there as they are still going strong.
...And they will know us by the trail of the Dead
The Flaming Lips
The Postal Service

Thats all I can think of for now.
wow, lots of recommendations. Lets see here. I own stuff from Cave In, though not the rock albums. I didn't like Jupiter too much. I have some Radiohead. I have Cathedral. Soundgarden is actually a good one, and I need to get Superunknown and Down on the Upside.

What's The Postal Service and ...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of the Dead like?
Haha, every time I have an acoustic guitar while drunk everyone around me makes me sing and play that one Days of the New song "well I finally found a reason something whatever shit poo" and I mumble/yell the whole thing in double-time.

Apparently it's funny.
J. you would really like ...and they know us by the trail of the Dead, its hard to explain, I guess you could say they sort of sound like interpol, mixed with Cave In.

The Postal service sounds like poppier recent Radiohead.
I'll ask my question in this thread, seems appropriate.

Can someone tell me what albums Dredg has released? I'm having difficulty finding a discography and want to know if there is more than El Cielo and Leitmotif, both of which totally rock (thank you J. and Doomcifer). I tried their homepage but it's artsy fartsy to the point where I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.
listened to Failure's "Fantastic Planet" on the way to work this morning. Beautiful mellow album; and at a time when grunge was king, this album was the perfect anti-grunge.

Highly recommended.
BWD mentioned Neil Young.... yep.

I've been to my fair shair of metal concerts, but Neil Young fucking destroyed the Oakdale when I saw him with my friend. They wen't on this feedback/fuzz/distortion jam for like 20 minutes! Easily the heaviest thing I've ever seen live. This was like Sunn 0))) calibur.
I heard Fantastic Planet the other night, it was pretty good but I would need to hear it many times to fully absorb it. Really dug the original version of the Nurse Who Loved Me, I was only familiar with the A Perfect Circle cover until then.
I dont know if i mentioned it on RC, but if any of you have the chance to "The Australian Pink Floyd Show" .... DO IT.