Maxon OD808X Overdrive Extreme?


Apr 20, 2005


I'd say if it ain't broke don't fix it but still curious.
Nah, not good. OD box should be green. ;)

... I wonder too, more gain (extreme)?
More output level, less middy, brighter:

Sounds like it'd be nice boosting high-gain guitars, but then again, it's just another Tubescreamer. Doesn't sound game-changing either.
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that sounds like the critique of a 19th century English House of Lords member, but I can't say I disagree. The green is pretty garish but I think we're also just used to it.

Well I did spend the majority of my undergrad career studying Victorian literature so that's probably rewired part of my brain.

I think you are right about the color, the green isn't great either but sooooo many boost pedals are variations of the same color that now anything else seems abnormal. I wouldn't mind getting an 808x and having someone rehouse it into a plain enclosure though.
It is competition for mxr custom modified od and visual sounds open road. These depart from the traditional mid range thump of the classic ts and offer some more gain. This maxon, along with the mxr and visual are fine pedals. They offer flexibility. Guitarists get caught up listening with their eyes and preconceived notions about what is "right" when it comes to gear.