Maxxon OD808 and 6505


Jul 1, 2009
Ontario, Canada
Hey guys.

Considering how popular it is using the 808 in front of amps I was wondering if there is some way to bypass the maxxon pedal when on a clean setting without actually stepping on it.

My setup is a 6505+ with a Gmajor effects unit in the effects loop. I control both the amp channel switching and effects unit via a MIDI pedal. So I'm wondering if there is some way to have the maxxon in the signal on the lead channel and when I switch the the Rhythm channel to have it taken out.

I want to just have the pedal as a clean boost so I just want to leave it by the amp while playing live and not have to worry about stepping on it everytime I change channels.

Any suggestions? Maybe a separate amp for cleans?
Get a Nobels ALEX-1 looper, and have the G-major relay control it. I also at one point had the relay ghetto wired to the witch on the maxon pedal (drilled a hole and mounted a 1/4" jack on the pedal itself), and that worked decently well, but the LED didn't really tell you whether it was on or not haha.