May be seeking someone to mix/master an album


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Hey guys, my band is currently recording ourselves and we may be looking to send tracks out to be mixed. I wanted to take on the task myself but I'm still not that good and this is my bands first real release so I want to put quality over self-satisfaction.

It would be between 8-11 songs. Raw live drum tracks, guitar (dual tracked mostly, quad on choruses/accent stuff, and leads) and bass DI's, and maybe between 2-6 vocal tracks per song, depending. We also have a few samples/synths that we use which we can provide or if you're feeling crazy you can try to make something for us.

I'm looking for some quotes for this to get a rough idea of what we may have to pay.

I have a short clip to mix over here.

The DI tracks in that short clip are just very quick recordings and bass is pitched-down guitar. We'd obviously be giving our best takes on this.

Please, if anyone is interested, send a PM or post in here. If you'd like to hear what we sound like (as well as my horrible previous mix), check us out.