May have fixed my overhead/cymbal problem

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
So I was getting a TON of drums in my OHs.. I think I've more or less fixed that now. I also had a problem of them being really harsh and hyped in the highend.. something I've noticed in a lot of other recordings here, seems to be a big problem with subpar rooms and mics.

Anyway, moved the mics to just over the crashes (splash on the left). Still picks up a bit of ride and hats.. unfortunately if I move them to pick up more hats/ride, I get more drums and also phasing from the wobbling cymbals.

And I fixed the harshness and hypedness by using a CurveEQ from a Slate cymbal. Altho, like every linear phase EQ I've tried, it introduces a 'shooping' sound on the snare drum, so try to ignore that. :/

Anyway, have a listen, what do you think of it all? Everythings natural.. the snare is a bit distant, need to work on my mic'ing. Apologies for the timing.. for once that's not my playing, the multitracks vary in tempo a lot compared to the final song, strangely :/

Enough talk.
That snare sounds pretty great man, I wouldn't change much about it at all.

Are you still using the e906 on the kick?