maybe somebody can help...


Mar 9, 2002
Hamburg, Germany
Hey Finnish folks,
At the moment I´m working at a Metal Travel Guide:, where we are listing metal related places such as bars, pubs, clubs and record stores from all over the world.
I already have some places in Finland, but maybe there is more. Anybody wants to help and send us some addresses where the scene is meeting in Finland?
BTW, does anybody know if the Valhalla Metal Bar in Kuopio is still existing?
Thanks a lot!
Originally posted by Orchid
Hehe, as you can see, the Finnish metal scene isn't too big on any scale. ;)

I actually don't agree with this totally. Most of the bands I like are from Finland. :rock: For instance, Amorphis, Finntroll, Stratovarius, Children of Bodom, Sonata Arctica, Sinergy, Sentenced.... Oh man, oh man. So many and so little time! For as small as the country is, you have much MUCH better metal bands than the big old USA. I wish I lived there!
it's too bad that Valhalla doesn't exist anymore, it was like my second living room.

BUT! in Kuopio (the town where Valhalla was) the restaurant called Maitolaituri is being turned into a metal bar! the name is obviously going to be changed (maitolaituri translates into "milk dock"), and the opening is at the end of the month.
Heh, you seem to know the address better than I do, and I've lived in this town for almost 22 years :)

Sure, I'll post here when it's being opened.

There's also one other metal bar in Kuopio (well, I dunno about that, but they play a lot of metal there and all the metalheads gather there). it's called "Ottopoika" and it's on Kauppakatu as well, don't know on which number. 70100 Kuopio, too.